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National Ambulance Service to Deploy Motorbike Unit for Donegal International Rally

The National Ambulance Service (NAS) is pleased to announce the deployment of its motorbike unit during the upcoming Donegal Rally weekend. This initiative aims to enhance emergency response times and ensure the safety and well-being of visitors over the weekend.

The motorbike unit, known for its agility and speed, will be able to navigate through traffic more efficiently than traditional ambulances. This capability is particularly crucial during large-scale events like the Donegal International Rally, where congested roads can pose significant challenges to emergency medical services.

By utilizing the motorbike unit, the NAS hopes to reduce response times and provide timely medical assistance to those in need. This initiative reflects our ongoing commitment to improving emergency services and ensuring the highest standards of care.

We urge all attendees to remain vigilant and prioritize safety throughout the event. The NAS will have a robust presence on the ground, ready to respond to any emergencies that may arise.

Last updated on: 21 / 06 / 2024