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HSE Disabilities Services and Cavan County Local Development Hosts Public Art Exhibition

18 September 2024
HSE Media Release

A public art exhibition by artists with disabilities is taking place from Monday 16 to Saturday 28 September. The exhibition is taking place in the Johnston Library, Farnham Street, Cavan H12 A3T1.

Cavan County Local Development as part of its Social Inclusion Programme SICAP has been running an art programme for people with disabilities in Day Centres in Cavan and Virginia since 2015. The programme uses art as a medium to improve mental health, social interaction, and personal skills. This exhibition will give the 19 artists from 2023 and 2024 public recognition for the quality of their artwork.

Engaging in Art in a group setting helps form connections. Art can be beneficial as a form of expression that does not require traditional verbal or written forms of communication and enables connections in a fun way. During each art, session participants were encouraged to express what they saw in each other’s paintings. The participant each showed their own personal style during free expression. The art programme has provided the participants with a focus to develop their own individual ability but also to develop working collectively to present the pieces.

One of artists whose art was displayed at the exhibition stated “I love art, and I love getting to paint with my friends. I’m so excited about the art exhibition”.

According to Aisling McKenna, Clinical Nurse Manager 2, Clogher House and Virginia Day Activation Unit stated “The art exhibition is a wonderful opportunity to show case the amazing work of the participants who have been engaging in the weekly creative arts programme . We have witnessed each participants engagement, connection and progression throughout the Arts programme. Presenting their work at this exhibition is a wonderful accomplishment.”

The HSE worked closely with an Art facilitator and with Cavan SICAP Development Officer Cavan County Local Development to make this art exhibition possible.

Last updated on: 19 / 09 / 2024