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HSE Cork Kerry Community Healthcare Press Release: The first 'Cork and Kerry Recovery Walk' takes place in Cork city on Sunday September 29

HSE Cork Kerry Community Healthcare Press Release
September 18, 2024

HSE Cork Kerry Community Healthcare is supporting the first ‘Cork and Kerry Recovery Walk’, due to take place in Cork city on Sunday September 29, as part of Recovery Month.

This inaugural event is a collaborative effort led by the Cork Recovery Academy, alongside multiple agencies including: the HSE, Cork City Council, An Garda Síochána, Cork Local Drug and Alcohol Task Force, Southern Regional Drug and Alcohol Taskforce, Cork City Partnership, Coolmine, Tabor Group, Cork Simon Community, Cork Alliance, Focus Ireland, and many others.

The streets of Cork City will come alive on Sunday 29 September, as Cork and Kerry communities impacted by addiction unite for the first ‘Cork and Kerry Recovery Walk’. Participants will be wearing the colour purple to mark recovery from addiction.

This will be the first time that the people of Cork and Kerry will join together in solidarity to highlight recovery pathways from addiction, building on the remarkable success of the Recovery Walk, which has been held annually in Dublin for the past 11 years.

The ‘Cork and Kerry Recovery Walk’ will begin in Cork City Centre at 12pm, traversing St. Patrick’s Street, before arriving at Fitzgerald’s Park, where a family-friendly event will be held. All are welcome to join the walk and/ or the family-friendly event at Fitzgerald’s Park at 1pm.

At Fitzgerald’s Park, Brenda Dennehy (TV producer, journalist, and podcast host of ‘Left on Read’) will share her powerful story of recovery. Expect an uplifting afternoon packed with music, face-painting, the ‘Wobbly Circus’ and a very special performance by the High Hopes Choir Cork (featuring individuals affected by homelessness, aiming to raise awareness of social issues within the community).

Ahead of the ‘Cork and Kerry Recovery Walk’, Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr. Dan Boyle said: “It is a great privilege to join together with the people of Cork and Kerry for the very first ‘Cork and Kerry Recovery Walk’. By joining together in solidarity on 29 September, we will highlight the importance of lending our support to people who have been impacted by addiction and who are now on their journey to recovery. With support, education, and treatment a pathway to recovery is open to everyone”.

Minister of State at the Department of Health with Responsibility for Public Health, Wellbeing and the National Drugs Strategy, Colm Burke TD said: “I am delighted to be a part of the inaugural Cork and Kerry Recovery Walk. I recognise that the concept of ‘recovery’ involves more than just control over substance use. It requires better mental and physical health, but just as importantly it involves the development of a meaningful life. Recovery is a process that often takes time to achieve and effort to maintain. Through this walk we give our support to those who have gone through or are going through this journey. I would like to thank all those involved in organising this important event.”

Mark Wright, Cork Recovery Academy Coordinator said: “We are delighted to bring the Recovery Walk to the south this year. It’s a long-overdue display of the positive and inspiring impact recovery has across Cork and Kerry. This walk is truly about building recovery communities, challenging stigma, and celebrating International Recovery Month. It’s a day for everyone in recovery, their families, and our entire community.”

David Lane, General Manager of Social Inclusion, HSE Cork Kerry Community Healthcare commented: “In line with the HSE's aim to reduce health inequalities and improve access to services for vulnerable and excluded groups, this walk is a testament to the power of recovery and the strength of community. It’s an opportunity to walk side by side with those on their remarkable journey and remind them they are not alone.”

Joe Kirby Manager HSE Social Inclusion/ Cork Local Drug and Alcohol task force added: “This walk is a symbol of the solidarity and resilience of our recovery communities. It’s a powerful reminder that recovery is possible, and it thrives with the support of everyone - from individuals to entire communities.”

Brenda Dennehy, TV Producer & host of ‘Left on Read’ podcast, shared: “Recovery is a journey, and events like these remind us that no one has to walk that path alone. It’s an honour to be part of this day, to celebrate recovery, and to give hope to those still struggling.”

To register for the ‘Cork and Kerry Recovery Walk’, please visit Cork & Kerry Recovery Walk 2024 - Free Event (

Last updated on: 19 / 09 / 2024