EU4Health Joint Action - JARDIN

What is JARDIN?

JARDIN, a Joint Action to support the integration of European Reference Networks (ERNs) into national health systems, is a funding program. It helps European and associated countries work together to create, share, and test tools and approaches to address specific health issues. JARDIN has a budget of €18.75 million for three years and is supported by 58 partner institutions across 29 countries, including all EU countries, Norway, and Ukraine.

What is the Purpose of JARDIN?

Health systems are made up of many parts that interact from individuals, organisations, infrastructures, and technology. All these parts need to work closely together to support and deliver healthcare. National health authorities need to think about how the ERNs will work with other parts of the health system to better diagnose, treat, and care for patients. JARDIN will help by producing recommendations, creating models, and finding ways to connect the networks with national and local health systems.

How will JARDIN achieve this?

The project's comprehensive approach is a step in the right direction to ensure multilevel integration (local, national, and supranational) and the interconnection of all system’s components.

The activities planned under JARDIN include:

  • Developing frameworks for national rare disease governance and quality assurance.
  • Optimising care pathways tailored to patient needs and improving referral systems for accessing ERNs’ specialist advice.
  • Proposing recommendations and models to create or enhance national networks and other mechanisms to improve coordination and knowledge sharing at national level and serve as an interface with ERNs and developing programmes for undiagnosed conditions.
  • Improving the management and sharing of health data across ERNs and national infrastructures.
  • Offering recommendations to improve support to Expert Centres that participate in the ERNs, including training, working conditions, and resources.

JARDIN Website

More information on JARDIN and its work packages are available at