On this page:
The Health Service Executive Midland Area Research Ethics Committee was set up in 2002 to consider both hospital and community-based research in the four counties of the then Midland Health Board - Longford, Westmeath, Laois and Offaly. Unfortunately the Committee ceased taking applications in 2020 as the unprecedented workload associated with the COVID-19 pandemic meant that REC members had to prioritise health protection and service delivery.
The National Research and Development Office is working to set up new HSE Reference Research Ethics Committees.
As part of this process a new committee was set up which incorporated the previous area covered by the Midlands REC in addition to the other areas of the then Regional Health Area B (now HSE Dublin and Midlands) and Corporate Services.
This committee is currently called The HSE Reference Research Ethics Committee (RREC) for the Midlands Area and Corporate Division (HSE Dublin and Midlands).
We are accepting applications for research ethics review.
Please continue to visit this page for further updates.
This RREC covers HSE services and funded services (Section 38 and 39 services), which do not have access to their own REC, in HSE Dublin and Midlands (formerly Regional Health Area B/CHO7 and part of CHO8):
- Co. Laois
- Co. Offaly
- Co. Longford
- Co. Westmeath
- Co. Kildare
- Dublin South City
- Dublin South West
- Dublin West
- West Wicklow
- Hospitals in the geographic region which do not have a hospital ethics committee, namely (as of March 2022) Midland Regional Hospital (Mullingar, Tullamore and Portlaoise).
- HSE Corporate Services
Research taking place in the organisations listed above, that involves the participation of health service users, their personal data and/or their biological samples, health and social care staff, or the use of HSE healthcare services, premises or infrastructure, either directly or indirectly, must be reviewed by a HSE Reference REC, with the exception of those research studies under the remit of the NRECs
- All HSE staff (including staff in Section 38 and 39 services) who wish to carry out research which needs access to facilities, staff, patients or clients, or information pertaining to staff or patients or clients of the HSE Midlands Area and Corporate (HSE Dublin and Midlands), including Section 38 and 39 Services, for the purposes of research.
- All students, employed by the HSE or external to the HSE, who wish to carry out research which needs access to facilities, staff, patients or clients, or information pertaining to staff or patients or clients of the HSE Midlands Area and Corporate (HSE Dublin and Midlands), including Section 38 and 39 Services (which do not have access to their own REC), for the purposes of research.
- All investigators, external to the HSE, who wish to have access to staff, patients or clients, facilities or information pertaining to patients, clients or staff of the HSE Midlands Area and Corporate (HSE Dublin and Midlands), including Section 38 and 39 Services which do not have access to their own REC, for the purposes of research.
Please note that this RREC is not recognised by the Department of Health under regulation 7 of the European Communities Regulations (Clinical Trials on Medicinal Products for Human Use (S.I. 190 of 2004)). This RREC therefore does not consider clinical trials of medicinal products and devices. The National Research Ethics Committees (NRECs) are responsible for the ethical review of Clinical Trials of Investigational Medicinal Products (CTIMPs) and the clinical investigations of Medical Devices (MD) – see www.nrecoffice.ie/ for information.
It is not a Clinical Ethics Committee and does not deal with or give an opinion on ethics issues in clinical practice and health service provision
Application process
- Please email REC.B.CorporateMidlands@hse.ie to inform of your intention to apply to the RREC, indicating the meeting date for which you are applying. This is so that we can monitor the number of applications in case we reach our meeting limit. We will advise you if the limit has been reached.
- For applications to be considered at a meeting, the submission deadline must be met to enable us to triage and prepare applications in advance of each meeting.
- Applications will be returned, without review, if they are incomplete and not accompanied by all relevant documentation upon submission. Such documentation is outlined in the checklist. It includes, among other documentation, evidence of GDPR training (in the past 24 months) for all people named in the application form; DPIA screening and, where indicated, completed DPIA signed by the DPO; participant information and consent forms. Unfortunately we will need to adhere strictly to this requirement.
As our meetings progress, it is apparent that applications which are not carefully and thoroughly completed and which are not accompanied by relevant associated documentation, are more likely to receive No opinion with a request for significant further information, changes to be made, or a resubmission. This is because our Committee does not have all the information needed for an informed opinion. The additional information will need to be considered at a full RREC meeting (which will be subject to capacity limits). This adds to applicants' timelines.
For applications from students - it is important that your academic supervisor provides guidance as the ethical approval process is a rigorous one.
Application steps
- The interim RREC guidance document (v1.3) is available here. This is a working draft and will continue to be updated.
- The standardised application form (docx) is available, along with and in-depth instructions on how to complete each question.
- Each application must be accompanied by a completed checklist (each item must be ticked – yes, no or n/a as appropriate) and appropriate documentation. A checklist (docx) (version 6.5) is available. We recommend that you familiarise yourself with the checklist so that you know what you are expected to submit with your application form and have time to compile same for submission.
- Submit your completed your HSE's Data Privacy Impact Assessment Screening and Record Tool for HSE Employees involved in the Conduct or Management of Research (this screening tool should be used by all applicants from March 2023).
- If indicated, submit your completed DPIA (reviewed by relevant DPO). Please allow yourself sufficient time to complete the DPIA and to have it reviewed by relevant DPO prior to our submission deadlines.
We ask for proof of GDPR training. It would be anticipated that this training should have taken place within the last 24 months. If training predates that, we would suggest that it should be taken again and current certificate(s) submitted with application. HSE staff can access GDPR training on HSELaND. GDPR training certification (no older than 24 months) is required for each person named in the application form (occasional exceptions may arise, for example, PPI members may not need a GDPR cert).
- Applications and documentation should be submitted by email only to REC.B.CorporateMidlands@hse.ie by the deadline - please try to keep the attachment sizes as small as possible so that the your email is not quarantined by HSE email content filter.
- All attachments or appendices included with the application form should have a clear file name.
- Please note:
- if you need participant consent for your research project you must also submit all consent related documentation (i.e. participant information leaflet, informed consent form)
- if you are doing a research study that involves children aged under 18 years you must also submit age appropriate patient information leaflets and assent forms for each paediatric age grouping in your study
- it is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator to ensure all documentation is completed honestly and truthfully
- if the RREC approves the research study the approval letter will include information indicating that the Principal Investigator, or the person they have nominated, will be required to:
- The Committee considers each application in detail using topics and prompts (PDF). The list of prompts included is not finite but will give an idea of what the Committee looks at when considering an application.
- Applicants can expect to receive a formal decision letter within 10 working days of the RREC meeting.
Data protection and research
More information about data protection and research
NREC guidance on data protection for research purposes for applicants
The Health Research Data Protection Network (PDF) have published their Practical guide on data protection for health researchers and it is available on their website.
HSE Research and Development hosted a webinar, Beginners guide to completing a DPIA, which you may find useful. The slides are available to download from on hseresearch.ie (PDF)
We ask for proof of GDPR training. It would be anticipated that this training should have taken place within the last 24 months. If training predates that, we would suggest that it should be taken again and current certificate(s) submitted with application. HSE staff can access GDPR training on HSELaND. GDPR training certification (no older than 24 months) is required for each person named in the application form (occasional exceptions may arise, for example, PPI members may not need a GDPR cert).
Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)
Read information about Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA)
Requesting an amendment to a study previously approved by RRECB (HSE Dublin and Midlands)
If amendments need to be made to a study previously approved by this RREC, please complete this amendment letter template (PDF). Minor amendments will not need to go before a full meeting of the RREC, however, major amendments will. Upon receipt of your completed amendment letter template, our team will advise you whether or not the amendments will require full RREC review.
Activities not requiring RREC review
Specific activities do not require RREC review. These include:
- Research using existing publicly available documents or data
- Observational studies in public places in which the identity of the participant remains anonymous
- Case study of one patient with the proviso that written informed consent has been obtained from the relevant study subject/participant
- Quality assurance studies
- Clinical Audits
- Service Evaluations
It can be difficult to differentiate research, audit and evaluation. The HSE National Review of Clinical Audit (see page 41) distinguishes between clinical audit, service evaluation and research and indicates when research ethics committee review is required. The Standard Code of Governance and Management Required for HSE Reference Research Ethics Committees (see pages 26-28) outlines additional activities that generally do not require ethical approval.
The NHS's Health Research Authority, in conjunction with the UK's Medical Research Council, has developed a useful decision making tool to help you decide if your activity is a research project, clinical audit, evaluation study or usual practice. Please note that this a UK tool and therefore refers to UK structures, however, it remains a useful tool to determine if your activity is research.
For further information please see HSE’s Research and Development page “What is Research”.
If this RREC is consulted about whether or not RREC review is required because of uncertainty as to whether the work is research, audit or service evaluation, you will be asked to consult the guidance above. If, having considered the guidance above, you are still in doubt about the need for a RREC review, you will likely be advised to submit a full RREC application as this is the only way that the RREC will have all relevant information to hand in order to make a decision. This is because a review of a study by the Chair and/or the Vice-Chair to decide whether it should go to the RREC for ethics review is quite an involved process, particularly if additional information is required. Requests like these are often made before the project is fully worked up. These sort of requests often become more delayed than straightforward submission and review. If you ask this RREC whether review is required you will most likely be advised to submit the project for full ethics review. Ultimately, it is the decision for the principal investigator to decide whether to submit a project for ethics review.
For staff wishing to publish the results of an activity that is not research and does not require RREC review, this RREC does not provide a letter stating that review or approval is not needed. We would suggest that you link in, as appropriate, with your Quality and Patient Safety lead or your clinical audit department for guidance.
Read more information about the National Centre for Clinical Audit
2024/2025 meeting dates and closing dates for applications
Please email REC.B.CorporateMidlands@hse.ie to inform of your intention to apply to the RREC, indicating the meeting date for which you are applying. This is so that we can monitor the number of applications in case we reach our meeting limit. We will advise you if the limit has been reached.
Submission date - no later than 5 p.m. on: |
REC meeting on*: |
19-Nov-2024 |
17-Dec-2024 |
19-Dec-2024 |
21-Jan-2025 |
20-Jan-2025 |
18-Feb-2025 |
17-Feb-2025 |
18-Mar-2025 |
19-Mar-2025 |
15-Apr-2025 |
18-Apr-2025 |
20-May-2025 |
19-May-2025 |
17-Jun-2025 |
19-Aug-2025 |
16-Sep-2025 |
23-Sep-2025 |
21-Oct-2025 |
20-Oct-2025 |
18-Nov-2025 |
17-Nov-2025 |
15-Dec-2025 |
* Applicants can expect to receive a formal decision letter within 10 working days of the RREC meeting
Contact details
- Jenny Lee, Manager, C/o Department of Public Health - HSE Dublin and Midlands, HSE Area Office, Arden Road, Tullamore, Co. Offaly, R35 TY28, E-mail REC.B.CorporateMidlands@hse.ie
- Rosie Lowndes, Administrative Support, C/o HSE Health Library Ireland, Research and Education Centre Library, Scott Building, Midland Regional Hospital Tullamore, Co. Offaly, R35 NY51, Email REC.B.CorporateMidlands@hse.ie
All correspondence to be directed to REC.B.CorporateMidlands@hse.ie
The HSE wants to provide safe and high-quality services so that patients receive the best care and treatment. Patient feedback matters as it helps to improve HSE services. The HSE wants to hear from service users about their experience of what worked, what could improve or what didn't work. There are many ways to tell the HSE about your experience as a service user. Read more about Your service your say
In relation to research activities specifically, complaints may be made to RREC by patients (or their family members or next of kin), research participants (or their family members or next of kin), researchers, staff of institutions, or others. The research applicant should include the RREC contact details on their participant information leaflets. All complaints will be handled promptly and sensitively by the RREC:
- Complaints should be submitted in writing or by email to the RREC. However, if this is not possible, the RREC manager can arrange to speak to someone by phone.
- The RREC Manager will acknowledge the complaint, and also inform the HSE Reference REC Support and Co-ordination Office, within 5 working days of its submission and outline the course of action in response to the complaint.
- The RREC manager will keep the HSE Reference REC Support and Co-ordination Office informed of any actions and decisions made in relation to the complaint. If the HSE Reference REC Support and Co-ordination Office needs any additional information it will be supplied by the RREC
- Should any patient, research participant, researcher, staff of institution, or others be dissatisfied with the response of this RREC to their complaint they can approach the HSE Reference REC Support and Co-ordination Office. This RREC manager will provide the necessary contact details/pathway.
Committee members
Click on + to see a bio for each member
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Page last updated on 20/03/2025