Population Based Planning

Regional Population Profiles

  • Population profiles for each of the six Health Regions provide an 'At a Glance' insight and understanding of the key demographic features of our population which will inform and support the planning of our health services.
  • The profiles provide an overview of each Health Region and the Community Healthcare Networks (CHNs) within the Region, including maps and selected demographics for each CHN.
  • For more information and to view the profiles, please visit our Regional Profiles page.

National Comparative Report 2024

  • This comparative report builds on the current Population Profiles developed for each Region (March 2024).
  • It provides a profile of the overall population through the agreed set of parameters to inform and support the planning of health services.
  • For each parameter a comparison is provided across the six Regions and at national level.
  • You can view or download the report by using the following link - National Comparative Report Regional Population Profiles

A Framework for Health Needs Assessment

  • This framework describes the 6 key steps to undertake a Health Needs Assessment (HNA) to facilitate a consistent approach by those involved in the planning of services at all levels.
  • This is a generic HNA framework and can be used to support the HNA process for whichever population is chosen as the subject of the HNA, whether that be everyone within a geographical area or people with a particular characteristic or health condition.
  • You can view or download the document by using the following link - A Framework for Health Needs Assessment 1.0 (24.06.2024) 

A Strategic Framework for Population Based Planning within Health Regions in Ireland

This Strategic Framework for Population Based Planning (PBP) within Health Regions in Ireland (2025) sets out the key steps for bringing data driven decision making that is responsive to the diverse needs of local populations into planning.

The overall aim of the framework is to achieve consensus and alignment across the Health Service Executive (HSE) on what we mean by PBP and what is involved in its delivery. The framework outlines actionable steps, including establishing robust governance structures, aligning PBP efforts with planning processes and partnering with communities and stakeholders throughout the process. The features of the framework include:

  • Definitions and Ways of Working: PBP involves a comprehensive, multi-sectoral approach to assessing health needs and assets to inform equitable service planning. Principle ways of working include a focus on communities, equity, prevention, integration and evidence.
  • The PBP Cycle - A dynamic, cyclical process with four key phases:
    • Define: Understanding needs and assets through both quantitative and qualitative data
    • Design: Make decisions through partnership working informed by data
    • Deliver: Implementing priority areas
    • Demonstrate: Monitoring and evaluation
  • Strategic Needs and Assets Assessments (SNAAs) - A cornerstone of the PBP cycle, SNAAs inform planning by integrating demographic, health and service data with qualitative insights to identify gaps and collectively agree on priorities.

The document serves as a high-level guide for all planners, including regional health and care teams, policymakers and other stakeholders, who wish to plan and prioritise services that achieve the best possible population health outcomes within available resources. You can view or download the document by using the following link - Strategic Framework for Population Based Planning V1.0

Page last updated on 10/03/2025