Population Based Planning

Regional Population Profiles

  • Population profiles for each of the six Health Regions provide an 'At a Glance' insight and understanding of the key demographic features of our population which will inform and support the planning of our health services.
  • The profiles provide an overview of each Health Region and the Community Healthcare Networks (CHNs) within the Region, including maps and selected demographics for each CHN.
  • For more information and to view the profiles, please visit our Regional Profiles page.

National Comparative Report 2024

  • This comparative report builds on the current Population Profiles developed for each Region (March 2024).
  • It provides a profile of the overall population through the agreed set of parameters to inform and support the planning of health services.
  • For each parameter a comparison is provided across the six Regions and at national level.
  • You can view or download the report here: National Comparative Report Regional Population Profiles

A Framework for Health Needs Assessment

  • This framework describes the 6 key steps to undertake a Health Needs Assessment (HNA) to facilitate a consistent approach by those involved in the planning of services at all levels.
  • This is a generic HNA framework and can be used to support the HNA process for whichever population is chosen as the subject of the HNA, whether that be everyone within a geographical area or people with a particular characteristic or health condition.
  • You can view or download the document by using the following link - A Framework for Health Needs Assessment 1.0 (24.06.2024)