HSE Global Health Programme

What is Global Health?

Global health focuses on improving health and achieving health equity for all people worldwide. Many health issues and concerns transcend national boundaries and require collaboration between countries to address them.

About the HSE Global Health Programme

The HSE Global Health Programme acts internationally with low and middle-income countries to strengthen health systems, improve the health of populations and improve health inequalities.

The programme is funded through Irish Aid (Department of Foreign Affairs) to work in partnership with the Governments of Ethiopia, Mozambique, Sudan, Tanzania and Zambia. The programme is also funded by Irish Aid to oversee ‘Esther Ireland’, a small grant scheme that fosters partnerships between Irish health institutions and organisations and their counterparts overseas.

Through this work we are learning from other countries and continually gaining new skills, knowledge and experience. This reciprocal learning ultimately strengthens the delivery of our health services and the competency of our healthcare workers.

Contact us

You can contact us by emailing globalhealth@hse.ie

Last updated on 04/07/2024