Infectious Diseases

Notifiable infectious diseases

Area Directors of Public Health, Consultants in Public Health Medicine and Specialists in Public Health Medicine carry out the Medical Officer of Health (MOH) role in their areas. This is mandated under infectious diseases legislation.

Notifiable infectious diseases are reported to the MOH for their investigation and control. Investigation and control measures are carried out, using nationally and locally developed guidelines and standards. These diseases are also reported, in an anonymised format, to the Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) for national surveillance.

Visit the HSE Health Protection Surveillance Centre website

Visit (link opens in new window) for further information, including:

  • Notifying Infectious Diseases
  • Who to notify
  • List of Notifiable Diseases
  • Disease Data
  • Weekly ID Reports
  • Annual ID Statistics
  • Case Definitions
  • How we handle your data
  • Notification Forms
  • Resources


Various infectious diseases publications are available on Lenus (link opens in new window).

Page last updated on 04/07/2024