Acute Haematology Oncology Nursing Service SOS Hotline

 The Acute Haematology Oncology nursing service provides cancer patients on treatment access to advice and support when they're feeling unwell, without needing to go to the emergency department (ED). Patients can call a dedicated phone line to speak with a clinical nurse specialist at one of 26 centres across the country that offer cancer treatment. This service helps schedule immediate care for patients who need attention during their active treatment.

Video Enabled Care

Patients can call a clinical nurse specialist at 26 centres nationwide.


Patients and Nurses have partnered to launch a new name for this service. You can find the  **SOS Hotline** information,along with National Standardised Patient Information leaflets (PILs) and Alert Cards in ten languages, by following this link to PILs & Alerts.

Last Update: 30/12/2024