Cocaine Programme Dublin North City and County – Reducing the harms

Is cocaine (powder or crack) taking over your life?

Do you wish you could use less cocaine or stop altogether?

The short and factual eHealth videos (links below) will give you some information on how to reduce the harms and help you make a decision about what you want to do to stop or reduce your cocaine use.

If you think you would benefit from support to reduce or stop, free and non-judgemental services are available in your community to help you.

Call 01 811 0595 or email for more information if you are:

  • over 18
  • living or working in Dublin North (city or county)
  • interested in exploring your relationship with cocaine with a view to reduce or stop your use.

All services are provided in partnership with the HSE through community-based services across the north Dublin area, and are free of charge and non-judgemental.

eHealth videos

An introduction (video) to our Harm Reduction series on cocaine
Harm Reduction Episode 2 - The Highs and Lows of cocaine use (video)
Harm Reduction Episode 3 - Triggers associated with cocaine use (video)
Harm Reduction Episode 4 - Harm Reduction tips if using cocaine (video)
Harm Reduction Episode 5 - Services and support available for cocaine users (video)