The HSE National Office for Suicide Prevention (NOSP) was established to strategically lead on suicide prevention across the HSE and in collaboration with multiple sectors. The work of the office has been underpinned by Connecting for Life, Ireland’s National Strategy to Reduce Suicide. This strategy has shaped the core functions of the NOSP, which are;
- Of the 69 actions in Connecting for Life, the NOSP is: the lead agency assigned to deliver on 16 actions; the joint lead on two actions and; a supporting partner for 21 further actions.
- The NOSP has a pivotal role in driving the overall implementation of Connecting for Life. The strategy mandates the NOSP to support, inform, coordinate and monitor the implementation of Connecting for Life across the HSE, government departments, statutory agencies and nongovernmental organisations (NGOs).
- Broadly, the NOSP also works with the HSE, government departments and within the NGO and community sector, in an advisory and supportive role, on activities or projects aligned with the Connecting for Life Strategy or on suicide and self-harm prevention, postvention and awareness.
As a whole-of government strategy, Connecting for Life requires the NOSP to provide a strategic view of implementation progress, and within an implementation structure that was established in 2015. The NOSP fulfils a central role in this implementation structure and reports to the National Cross- Sectoral Steering and Implementation Group (chaired by the Department of Health), on a quarterly basis.
The structure of the NOSP Team is aligned with key functions. The specific streams of work in the office are; Monitoring and Evaluation; Strategy Coordination, Quality and Education; and Communications. The work across the entire office is supported by Clinical Advisory, Administrative, Finance and HR functions.
Contact us
HSE National Office for Suicide Prevention (NOSP), Access and Integration, Stewart's Hospital, Mill Lane, Palmerstown, Dublin 20
Note that if you are in crisis or in need of support, you should contact a relevant mental health support service, or in an emergency, get urgent help.