Resources: Mental Health Guidance

Gathering evidence and triangulation

In conducting the self-assessment, the team will make a determination of it’s achievement with each of the indicators as set out in the self-assessment process.

In making a judgment on their level of achievement, the self-assessment team will gather and analyse many sources of information to determine whether this judgement is supported by up to three separate sources of information, this process is known as triangulation.

This triangulation process allows teams to make more accurate assessments, as more information regarding the level of achievement is gathered from multiple sources.

Sources of information can be a combination of documents, interviews and/or direct observation undertaken by the self-assessment team.

On occasions where there is insufficient information available, a request for further information or clarification can be made to other members of the wider team or relevant service manager. Once it has been determined that there is enough information, the self-assessment team agree the level of achievement.