What is a Team Nurse?
A Team Nurse has a vital role in helping to coordinate care for you with your agreement and consent.
What do they do?
They assess, plan, implement and evaluate all aspects of multidisciplinary team care. They communicate and work with other members of the team.
When will I see them?
Ideally, the Team Nurse will meet you when you are admitted. They will be your main point of contact and you will be able to see then regularly.
Due to the way nursing shifts operate, you will not have the same Team Nurse every day. Your Team Nurse will be written up on the notice board. They should introduce themselves to you at the beginning of each shift.
What will they do for me?
Your Team Nurse will be able to offer you specialist information, answer your questions and follow your progress right through to the time when you are discharged. They will be available to you at the most critical time of your treatment, helping you to recover at your own pace.