Rehabilitation and Recovery: Mental Health Services, Dublin West and South West

Who is the service for?

A minority of people diagnosed with mental disorder experience longer term difficulties with community living. The Rehabilitation Team provides specialist mental health services to people living in the Dublin West and South West area. We work in partnership with local Community Mental Health Teams and other local health care and social services. You need to be referred by your Local Mental Health Team to access the service.

Rehabilitation may involve you being resident in our community hostels, being visited by our Assertive Outreach team or attending our services from home or hospital.

What is Assertive Outreach?

Assertive Outreach is a way of working with you towards recovery from your mental health difficulties that fits with your day-to-day living while managing your symptoms.

How do I get to use Assertive Outreach?

You can be referred by your Local Mental Health team.

Who does assertive outreach suit?

People who come to Assertive Outreach have often had difficulty engaging with other services. The outreach team have more resources available to work at a pace that suits you.

Where does Outreach take place?

You meet at a place that you agree with us beforehand. You don’t have to come to a clinic or a centre. A lot of the work is done in your own home. It’s very much a partnership between you and us.

What help can outreach give me?

We can work with you to help you get a better quality of life. We’ll help you go back to your past activities or to learn new ways of doing things. We will help with pracitical issues and give support and advice.

Who will I see?

You will work with a key worker who will help sort out all your mental health needs. You may also work with your psychiatrist, occupational therapist, social worker and other professionals.

What is a key worker?

Your key worker is the main co-ordinator who helps you get the support you need.

How long does Outreach last?

There is no set time limit. We will continue to meet you for as long as needed to help you meet your goals. Goals are made to suits each person’s particular circumstances.

What happens when I’m discharged from Assertive Outreach?

We’ll refer you back to your Local Mental Health team.

For more details, check Rehabilitation services in your Local Mental Health area.

What are Community Residences?

Community Residences are places where you can live if you’re unable to live independently. They are divided into High Support, Medium Support and Low Support residences.

High Support

This is a community residence where care staff are on site 24 hours of the day, every day of the week.

Medium Support

This is a community residence where care staff are on site 7am - 7 pm on a daily basis

Low Support

This is a community residence where staff call in on a daily basis

Who can access residential places?

Some residences concentrate on training to live more independently. Others provide long term accommodation.

Where at all possible we see people in their own homes. Housing needs are managed by local authorities and housing agencies or private rented sector. For the small number of people need constant nursing care. This is assessed by the rehabilitation team in partnership with the community mental health team.

Is there a waiting list?

Yes, places are very limited. The decision to accommodate is made only after all other options are exhausted

Rehabilitation Occupational Therapy Programme

The programmes on offer change as the needs of the individuals accessing the service change. Some examples include:

  • Recovery focused goal-setting
  • Activities of daily living programme
  • Allotment
  • Computer skills
  • Leisure and vocational exploration

Purpose of Programme

  • To develop independent living skills
  • To develop leisure an vocational skills
  • To use the recovery approach in managing mental health difficulties

Target Group

Individuals referred through their community mental health teams
Individuals currently living in rehabilitative community residences or being supported by assertive outreach teams

How does a person access this programme?

Through their community mental health service

How long does it last?

This can vary depending on needs of individual from 8 weeks to ongoing intervention


Occupational therapy dept. of rehabilitation service


Monday to Friday, 9 to 5pm

How often is it available?

Assessment for programmes is ongoing