Memory Technology Resource Room - Ballyfermot

Memory Technology Resource Room - Ballyfermot

Ballyfermot Memory Technology Resource Room has assistive technology products on display. People with memory difficulties and their carers will have an opportunity to see a range products and how they work. You can also access expert advice about assistive technology.

Memory Technology Resource Rooms (MTRR) have been set up by the HSE all over the country. These rooms are for people who would like to know more about products and devices which can help manage memory difficulties.

When you visit a Memory Technology Resource Room, you will be greeted by a senior occupational therapist (OT) who will discuss with you any difficulties you are having that assistive technology might be able to help you with. Ballyfermot MTRR has a wide range of assistive technologies on display so you have the opportunity to see and try out different devices. The OT will also discuss practical strategies to promote independence, safety, and quality of life.

Here is a short film which provides a brief overview of a memory technology resource room.

Information on memory technology

Here is a 10 minute podcast on Assistive Technology by Fiona Tobin Occupational Therapist and Prof Sean Keneally from Tallaght University Hospital

How to get an appointment

Contact Anna McMahon, Senior OT.

Phone: 01 795 6125


Address: Ballyfermot Primary Care Centre, Upper Ballyfermot Road, Dublin 10, D10 C973