WRAP Group

WRAP (wellness recovery action planning) is a group for anyone who wants to take more control over their mental health, wellness and recovery. It help people increase their self-awareness to bring about positive personal change.

What happens at this group?

This is a two day programme which looks at recovery concepts, wellness tools, triggers, and crisis planning. Group members usually participate in tasks and activities to help make their own WRAP plan.

Who should go on this programme?

People who have experienced a mental health difficulty who wish to make a wellness plan to keep you well and to help manage any difficulties in the future. This programme is open to people who use Dublin South Central  Community Mental Health Services.

How do I get on this programme?

Prior to a course it is advertised within the Community Mental Health Centres, or you can ask any member of your mental health team.

What happens next?

A member of the team will ring you and give you details about the group.

When and where does the group meet?

The group is usually run every August over two days from 10 till 4 each day. You will get the most out of the group if you attend both days.

Is there a waiting list?

Generally no, we advertise about a month before the group is due to begin.


The group is generally run by two Occupational Therapists

Where can I find out more

Contact any of the Occupational Therapists in Sheaf House