Day Centres - Mental Health Information

A Day Centre is a caring place to get help if you’re experiencing mental health difficulties and need ongoing support.

Who can go to a day centre?

You can attend if you need help maintaining good mental health. Day centres give you supervision and advice on medication and illness. People who need assistance in daily living such as preparing food, bathing or washing clothes can also get this support at a day centre.

How long do I have to go to the day centre?

It varies depending on your needs. We will discuss this with you, your family and your carer.

Who will see me?

A Doctor and Nurse will see you regularly and discuss your mental health and treatment. They will give you information about your condition and agree a care plan. Other professionals in the team such as a Social Worker, Psychologist and Occupational Therapist may also assess you.

What will I do at the day centre?

You will go to group activities. These include personal development, art and crafts, social activities, outings, personal care, home management and community groups. You may also have individual appointments with different members of the team.

How long will I have to keep going?

The length of your stay and how often you go to a day centre vary a lot. It depends on your mental health.

Is there help for carers?

Yes, day centres also offer ongoing support for your family and carer.

Are there waiting lists for day centres?

Some areas do have waiting lists.