Carers, Families and Friends - Dublin South Central Community Mental Health

"For me, when the diagnosis schizophrenia came in, when I heard that I hated what it was but I was relieved that I knew what it was." (Colette, Mother)

Dealing with a mental health problem is a difficult time for the individual, it can be equally hard for those close to them. When a person experiences a mental health problem, from mild illness to something more severe, the people around them can be a great help to them. The links below give useful advice for families and friends who support people experiencing mental health problems.

Seeking Help for Someone Else?

When should you get involved? Who should you contact? Where should you go? Read more about seeking help for someone else

Services for Carers, Families and Friends

As well as providing services to people experiencing mental health problems, we also provide services to support families, carers and those close to the person.

Contact our local teams to find out about the support and specific services we provide for Families and Carers in each area.

Services and Therapies Involving the Family

There are several therapies and services that we provide that as well as working with the person, also can involve working with and/or supporting their family (with the person's and the family's consent) These include:

  • Behavioural Family Therapy
  • Home Care
  • Day Centre

Contact our Local Teams to find out about the support and specific services we provide for Families and Carers in each area.

Supporting Recovery

As well as having a role when a person is unwell, friends, families and the wider community have a crucial role to play in supporting a person in their recovery.

Useful Information

If you're very close to somebody with a mental health problem, the more you know about the problem, the more you will be able to understand their situation and behavior. Read books, talk to the doctors, go to a course if you have time. The more you know, the easier it will be to sort out the illness from the one you love.

Jargon Buster - Understanding Prescriptions


A minority of people diagnosed with mental disorder experience longer-term difficulties. Often their parents or partners (or child) takes on a carer role.

What is a Carer and why are they important?

Hints and Tips for Carers

Caring for Carers

Financial Support

Some Carers are in the position that looking after someone else is either a part-time or full-time job. The state provides a variety of supports depending on the circumstances of the carer.

Financial support for carers