Connecting for Life - Kerry

You and Your Mental Health

You and Your Mental Health - A resource to support your mental health and wellbeing every day. From HSE Cork Kerry Community Healthcare.

Responding to Suicide

Responding to Suicide - A shared approach for Traveller Organisations and Health Services. From HSE Traveller Health Unit, Cork Kerry.

Launch of Connecting For Life Kerry Action Plan 2017 – 2020

Connecting for Life is the national strategy for suicide prevention and sets a minimum target of a 10% reduction in the suicide rate in Ireland by 2020. Connecting for Life sets out a vision where fewer lives are lost through suicide, and where communities and individuals are empowered to improve their mental health and wellbeing. The local Action Plan for County Kerry lays out very specific steps to deliver the high-level actions that are relevant to the needs of the people of this area and recognises the contributions that can be made across all sectors of our community with the aim of reducing suicide incidence (Government Departments, HSE, NGO partners and community groups).

On Monday, 29th of May 2017, Minister of State for Mental Health and Older People Helen McEntee TD officially launched Connecting for Life Kerry Action Plan 2017 – 2020. Download the document here.

Our vision and goals

Connecting for Life Kerry is based on the same vision, goals, objectives and measurable outcomes as the national strategy.


"A county where fewer lives are lost through suicide, and where communities and individuals are empowered to improve their mental health and wellbeing".

Strategic goals

  1. To improve the county's understanding of, and attitudes to, suicidal behaviour, mental health and wellbeing.
  2. To support local communities' capacity to prevent and respond to suicidal behaviour.
  3. To target approaches to reduce suicidal behaviour and improve mental health among priority groups.
  4. To enhance accessibility, consistency and care pathways of services for people vulnerable to suicidal behaviour.
  5. To ensure safe and high-quality services for people vulnerable to suicide.
  6. To reduce and restrict access to means of suicidal behaviour.
  7. To improve surveillance, evaluation and high quality research relating to suicidal behaviour.

Each goal is based on the achievement of a set of supporting objectives.

Primary outcomes

  1. Reduced suicide rate in the whole population of Kerry and amongst specified priority groups.
  2. Reduced rate of presentations of self-harm in the whole population of Kerry and amongst specified population groups.

This page was last updated on 5th January 2021. 

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