Connecting for Life - South East

Post Birth Wellbeing Plan 

The Post Birth Wellbeing Plan has been developed to support the mental health and wellbeing of women in the perinatal period (pregnancy and up to one year after birth) who are living in the South East including Carlow, Kilkenny, South Tipperary, Waterford and Wexford. 

The Post Birth Wellbeing Plan is a workbook that encourages women to think about and identify supports that can help them adjust to their role as a new mother after the birth of their baby.

Numbers when you need them, help at your fingertips (PDF)

Ireland’s national suicide prevention strategy, Connecting for Life (CfL), was launched in June 2015. In 2017 local plans, based on the same vision, goals, objectives and measurable outcomes as outlined in the National Strategy, were developed in each county of the South East.

In December 2019, the Department of Health supported an extension of CfL for a further five years, with official approval by Cabinet granted in November 2020. A national implementation plan for 2020-2022 was published. To align with this plan, a new Regional Action Plan, Connecting for Life South East Community Healthcare (SECH), was developed to reflect the new national implementation plan. There is now one action plan for the region comprising Carlow, Kilkenny, South Tipperary, Waterford and Wexford. The actions identified in the plan are based on a broad consultation process, on the significant implementation progress to date and on new and emerging needs in SECH.

The HSE Regional Suicide Resource Office team, within HSE Mental Health in SECH, leads the development and implementation of the new plan.

The HSE Resource Officers for Suicide Prevention are supported by the Connecting for Life SECH County Committees and a Regional Implementation Oversight Group; the HSE Mental Health Management Team and the National Office for Suicide Prevention.

For more information on the local Connecting for Life South East Community Healthcare action plan contact:

The HSE Regional Suicide Resource Office

Front Block

St. Patrick’s Hospital

John’s Hill

Waterford X91 KX25

Tel. 051874013

HSE Resource Officers for Suicide Prevention in SECH

Tracy Nugent

Tel. 0879271041

Sarah Hearne

Tel. 0871091307

Find Support in the South East

Your local GP

Find a GP

GP Out of Hours Services

If it's late in the evening, night time or the weekend, you can contact a GP out of hours service.

HSE Mental Health Services

If you have been (or are currently) supported by a mental health team, go to the Emergency Department or contact the service you are attending and ask for an appointment as soon as possible.

Listening Service

For confidential, non-judgemental support, Samaritans are free to call, anytime day or night on 116 123 in the Republic of Ireland.

More Information

Visit to search for supports in the South East, and information on what to do when someone tells you they are suicidal or at risk of self harm.

Suicide prevention and awareness training

A wide range of free suicide prevention and awareness training programmes is available across South East Community Healthcare. For more information contact the HSE Regional Suicide Resource Office on 051 874013, email or to book a place on any upcoming training visit

The HSE Regional Suicide Resource Office in South East Community Healthcare also provides the HSE Bereavement Counselling Service for Traumatic Deaths. Counselling is available from professional, accredited Therapists throughout the region for people aged 16 years and over who have been bereaved through one of the following circumstances:

  • Suicide
  • Homicide
  • Road Traffic Accident
  • Industrial/agricultural/domestic accident
  • Drowning

The service is free to clients and referral is through a relevant health professional e.g. your GP. For more information on this service please contact the HSE Regional Suicide Resource Office on 051 874013 or email

If you have recently lost a loved one to suicide you can access immediate support via the Suicide Bereavement Liaison Officer (SBLO) in SECH. Please Contact Kelly Higgins on 085 8073040. You can also download the national suicide bereavement support guide, You Are Not Alone.

For a full range of information resources relating to mental health and suicide prevention visit

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