Implementation of Connecting for Life

The HSE National Office for Suicide Prevention (NOSP) has a pivotal role in driving the overall implementation of Connecting for Life. The strategy mandates the NOSP to support, inform, coordinate and monitor the implementation of Connecting for Life across the HSE, government departments, statutory agencies and nongovernmental organisations (NGOs).

Implementation structures for Connecting for Life include;

  • The National Cross Sectoral Steering and Implementation Group, chaired by the Department of Health
  • A range of local structures supporting each of the 17 Local Connecting for Life Action Plans in place across the country.

The NOSP has published implementation plans (covering different implementation periods) that set out the planned milestones for each of the 69 Connecting for Life actions. They describe the strategic and operational agenda that will be needed to further drive the implementation of the stratgey.

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