Recovery In Practice

Recovery Committee

The Recovery Commitee is established as a structure to support the implementation of recovery objectives identified within mental health services.  The membership includes those who provide services, service users, family members as well as community and voluntary agency representation.

Recovery Principles and Practice Workshops (RPPW)

Since 2014 sites across the country have been co-producing and co-facilitating the Recovery Principles and Practice Workshops (RPPW). Following a national review in 2016, the education co-production working group has refined the RPPW and now have a 4 hour evidence informed workshop which has been co-produced for delivery to HSE Mental Health Teams. Workshops are co-facilitated in line with true partnership, collaboration and co-production from the perspective of the Service User, Family Member/Carer/Supporter and Service Provider.

Recovery Colleges

Recovery Colleges are places where people who use mental health services and those who support them create and facilitate recovery education courses along with mental health professionals. The goal of the Recovery College is to create a culture of recovery, and to empower people with mental health difficulties, families, friends and the broader community to improve quality of life and to promote community involvement through the provision of co produced and co facilitated learning and conversation.

Recovery Colleges use a collaborative approach, based on sound adult education principles as a key tool to influence and empower personal recovery. They have been shown to be an exciting and positive addition to mental health services (both nationally and internationally) and allow people to have choice and control in the way in which they manage their own personal recovery journey.


Trialogue is a three-way open conversation between;

  1. People using the mental health services
  2. The personal supporters of those people such as parents, relatives, friends
  3. Those providing a range of community supports.

The conversations take place in the community and focus on mental health issues and the challenges of maintaining good mental health. Trialogue can transform thinking and develop better services and healthy communities. Trialogue meetings are welcoming and inclusive of all community members, including mental health services users, carers, family, friends, professionals and anyone with an interest in positive mental health in the community.

Peer Support

Peer support workers are typically individuals who have had personal lived experience of mental health issues and who now enjoy a good level of recovery. They are generally employed in a professional role to use their expertise and experience to inspire hope and recovery in others who are undergoing similar mental health experiences.

Peer-led Involvement Centres

Peer-led Involvement Centres are led by volunteers. They provide a listening ear, support and information on mental health services.

This page was last updated on 31st August 2017.