Area - Major Emergency Plans

Major Emergency Management (MEM) is a priority issue for all HSE services and functions. MEM is fundamentally about ensuring that the necessary planning, preparedness, capacity, training and coordination is in place at all levels of the health service to enable it to meet the challenges posed by such events. Given that it is not possible to foresee all possible adverse events, an all hazards approach is taken, which is capable of adaption in the light of prevailing circumstances.

Major Emergency Plans have been developed in accordance with the requirements set out in Section 4.4.1 of the National Framework for Major Emergency Management (2006), and sets out mechanisms for coordination at all levels of Major Emergency Management – on site, at local and regional levels.

These plans are supported by a series of sub-plans covering directorates, sites, services and departments. It is designed to integrate with corresponding plans from the other Principal Response agencies (PRAs) of Local Authorities and An Garda Síochána as well as with the emergency plans for specific sites classified as upper tier sites under the Seveso (Control of Major Accidents Hazards) regulations.

Major Emergency Management arrangements build on current strengths, and make full use of the core competencies and organisational strengths of the Health Service as the basis for the response. The aim is to fit in with existing organisational and government structures, subject to appropriate co-ordination mechanisms being added.

The following plans aim to provide the health services in the areas with an appropriate framework, skill base and necessary tools to respond to any emergency situation that may arise.  It is the responsibility of all employees to familiarise themselves with their roles and functions as described in these Area Plans and the more specific sub-plans that relate to their individual services.

Please note the plans below are the most up-to-date plans available.  You are requested to destroy all previous versions of the plans which you may have.

HSE Mid West Regional Major Emergency Plan (Clare, Limerick & North Tipperary) (PDF, size 3.2 MB, 85 pages)

HSE West & North West Regional Major Emergency Plan (Donegal, Sligo, Leitrim, West Cavan, Galway , Mayo , Roscommon) (PDF, size 5.2 MB, 86 pages)

HSE Emergency Management Area 5 (Carlow, Kilkenny, South Tipperary, Waterford and Wexford) Emergency Plan (PDF, 2000 KB, 91 pages)

HSE Emergency Management Area 6 (Dublin South East, Dún Laoghaire and Wicklow) Emergency Plan (PDF, 666 KB, 80 pages)