The Outpatients Department is situated on the Ground Floor. The Appointments Office is open form 8.30am to 5pm Monday to Friday.
Using the main entrance turn right after reception and take 1st left after the Coffee Shop. Continue along the corridor passed the Admissions Department. On entering the Outpatients Department proceed to the Reception Desk for registration.
Using the Emergency Entrance on the lower ground floor proceed along the corridor and take the stairs or lift to the ground floor (button G on lift). On the ground floor turn right into the Outpatients Department.
Access to Service:
- All patients are referred to Consultant run outpatient clinics by their General Practitioner (Family Doctor). The letter of referral should be sent to the Outpatient Appointments Department, Portiuncula Hospital, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway. The letter is then read by a Senior Member of the Medical Staff who prioritises the request. Patients are then informed in writing of the appointment date and time by the Outpatients Staff.
- Inpatients and outpatients may be referred from an in-house Consultant.
- Appointments/consults are arranged for inpatients by the Medical Team and outpatients through the Secretary or Ward Receptionist.
- Consultants in another Hospital may arrange an appointment by sending a referral letter to the Service.
- The Emergency Department also refer patients.
- Referrals to the Genitro Urinary Clinics (STI Clinics) are usually made over the phone directly by the patients. The appointment is anonymous and patients are not asked for their name or address when booking.
Cancelling your appointment :
Many patients fail to attend their outpatient appointment - without cancelling beforehand. Missing an appointment could mean missing out on important medical treatment.
We know that sometimes there are good reasons why people can't make their appointments, but it's important that you let us know as soon as possible if you cannot attend or no longer want your appointment.
If, for any reason, you are not able to keep your appointment, please tell us as soon as possible so that your appointment can be given to another patient.
Call us on 090 9648372 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
If you get through to an answerphone, please do leave a message
Cancellations by us:
While we make every effort to make sure we do not have to cancel appointments, we regret that due to medical emergencies and unforeseen circumstances this may sometimes occur. If this does happen, we will arrange a new appointment as soon as possible.
Documentations required when attending Outpatient:
Please bring your appointment letter and details of your current medications, or inhalers. You will be required to submit details of your GP’s name and address on registration. If you have a current medical card or private insurance, please bring your card and insurance details with you.
Please bring reading or recording material in case of delays.
Urine Sample
If requested to bring a urine sample, please use a small bottle. Make sure it is cleaned thoroughly with hot water. The urine sample may be taken at any time on the day of the appointment. You can eat and drink as normal before obtaining the sample.
Gynaecological Clinic
Women attending this clinic with menstrual problems should, if possible, bring a record of their recent menstrual history.
Genito-Urinary (STI) Clinic
A Genito-Urinary Medicine Outpatients Clinic is held at Portiuncula Hospital on a weekly basis, by appointment only. The service endeavours to screen, investigate and treat those who have been at risk or have signs or symptoms of a sexually acquired infection in an environment that is private and confidential. The service also aims to reduce the transmission of infection and long-term morbidity associated with such infection.
The clinic is managed by the Area Medical Officer, Community Care, G.U.M. Services and provides a full range of S.T.I. investigations, and treatment services. The clinic is totally confidential; laboratory specimens, and notes are numbered to ensure total anonymity. The Clinic has a Sexual Health Advisor.
Patients are advised not to empty their bladder for four hours before arriving at the clinic.
All treatments for this clinic are free of charge.
Consultation With Doctor
You will see a consultant or a senior doctor on your first visit to the hospital. Thereafter, another member of the consultant’s team may see you. Please remember that the doctor whose name is given on your appointment letter will not always see you.
Portiuncula Hospital encourages parents/guardians to accompany their children to their outpatient appointment. During examination parents/guardians must remain with the child.
Waiting Times
The management and staff at the hospital are keen for all patients to have an individual appointment time and also for all patients to be seen as near to their appointment time as possible. However, from time to time emergencies do occur and in situations such as these the consultant may have to leave the clinic for a while or arrive later than scheduled. Please give the staff your support in such situations.
Also, please remember that patients are seen in order of their appointment time, and not in order of their arrival time, therefore, if you arrive before your appointment time, this will result in a longer wait for you.
If you arrive late for your appointment you may have to wait until the end of the clinic to be seen. It is in your own interest to arrive to the clinic on time.
Past Medical History
You might find it helpful to write down your past medical details or questions you might have for your doctor prior to coming to the clinic. This way you will benefit further from your visit.
- Serious Illness
- Previous admissions or OPD attendances
- Allergies
- Current Medications
- Relevant Family Illnesses
- Questions for the doctor