Hygiene Services
We would remind all patients, relatives and visitors to help us maintain our hygiene standards and remember to wash hands frequently.
Alcohol Hand Gels are accessible throughout the hospital and all visitors and patients are invited to regularly use the gels. Please use on entry and exit of each area to optimise infection control.
The Hygiene Services Team strives to provide a cleaning service that meets or exceeds our clients, patients, visitors and staff expectations. Our aim is to provide a physically clean, comfortable and safe environment, while ensuring that patient/client comfort and dignity is maintained through out the service delivery.
Infection Prevention and Control
The prevention and control of infection is taken very seriously at Connolly Hospital Blanchardstown (CHB) and a programme of activities to embrace national initiatives and to reduce infection rates has been developed and implemented. There are certain things you can do in order to further reduce the risk of infection:
1. Hand washing is the most important method of preventing the spread of infection. If you are ever worried that a member of staff has forgotten to wash or clean their hands, it's okay to remind them. It is important for you to wash your hands as well, especially after using the toilet.
2. Don’t forget to remind your visitors to wash their hands or use the disinfectant gel when visiting you.
3. If you have, or have had a hospital-associated infection in the past such as MRSA, please inform your admitting nurse.
4. Ask friends or family who have colds, stomach bugs or other infection not to visit.
5. We would ask your visitors not to sit on your bed or on other patient’s beds.
6. If you have vomiting or diarrhoea within 48 hours of a planned admission date, please inform our admissions staff prior to your arrival
7. If you have a wound or IV line in place please avoid touching them as they could become infected
Electrical items
For Health and Safety reasons do not bring your own electrical items into hospital.
Alcohol and Illegal Drugs
Under no circumstances is alcohol or illegal drugs allowed within the hospital campus.
Hospice Friendly Hospitals
Connolly Hospital is participating in the Hospice Friendly Hospitals (HFH) project, a national programme aimed at improving all aspects of End of Life Care in the hospital setting. This is a programme by the Irish Hospice Foundation in partnership with the Health Service Executive and supported by the Health Information and Quality Authority. Please discuss with your nursing or medical teams if end of life/hospice care affects you. http://www.hospicefriendlyhospitals.net
Find out how health services in Ireland work, about your rights, how to access health services, how to access your personal information and how to make a comment or complaint about services you have used. Read more information on giving feedback.
Administrative Access
If you need access to a copy of your health care record a written application may be made through the Administrative Access Officer, Patient Services Department, Connolly Hospital (01) 646 5250. Photo identification will be required.
Freedom of Information
The Freedom of Information Act 1997 & 2003 was designed to allow individuals access information not routinely given. If you want to access such information make your request in writing stating that the request in made under the Act and address it to Freedom of Information Officer, Patient Services Department, Connolly Hospital. Tel. (01) 646 569
Death Certificates
Following the death of a patient, a Death Notification Form is completed by a member of the medical team.
This Form is then forwarded to a designated clerical officer (Tel. 01-6465156) in the Medical Records Department who will contact the next of kin to advise them that the Death Notification Form is ready for collection, from the Medical Records Department (week days).
ID is required when collecting the Death Notification Form. An information leaflet is given to the recipient of the Form, which outlines the procedure to be followed in relation to registering the death and obtaining a Death Certificate.
Please note, if the Coroner is involved in ordering a postmortem, their office can arrange an interim Death Notification Form. The Contact number for the Dublin City Coroner’s office is 01 8746684.