The HSE Children First National Office has a team of Training and Development Officers who can provide advice and guidance regarding Children First.
Select the option below to view the contact details of the HSE Children First National Office, the National HSE Children First Lead or for the Training and Development Officers that cover community and acute services within the Regional Healthcare Areas, Integrated Healthcare Areas, National Services, HSE Funded Agencies and HSE Contracted Services:
HSE Children First National Office
Room 3, The Clinic, Kinnegad Primary Care Centre, Kinnegad, Co. Westmeath
Noleen Moloney | Office Administrator - 087 1467062 |
General Queries
Please be advised that the email address is a general email for queries to the HSE Children First National Office, which provides service development and training supports to HSE and HSE Funded and Contracted services, in relation to implementation and compliance with Children First.
For resource management purposes if the email you submitted is in relation to either of the two topics below you will not receive a direct response.
Child Protection or Welfare Concerns:
The HSE Children First National Office is not connected to Tusla – Child and Family Agency.
No child protection or welfare concerns should be reported to this email address. If you have concerns about the protection or welfare of a child you should follow the reporting procedures or contact your local Tusla Duty Social Worker for advice.
Please note: While you will not receive a direct reply from this email by our office, if the email you submitted indicated a potential risk of harm to a child then the HSE Children First National Office will pass the details received to Tusla to ensure that no child is left at risk. It is still important however that you make a direct report to the appropriate agency.
HSeLanD – Children First Mandatory Online Training
If your email is in relation to a query about the HSeLanD online mandatory training ‘An Introduction to Children First’ and/or certificates of completion, please follow the supporting instructions in our website FAQs section or contact