Dental and Orthodontic Services in Waterford

Dental Services

All children under 12 are given dental checks and follow up if required, from the local Dental Clinic. This service is usually accessed in the first place through a routine school visit.

Cord Road, Waterford. Phone: 051 842 858

Dungarvan. Phone: 058 407 60

Tramore Co Waterford. Phone: 051 398 177

John’s Hill Waterford PCC. Phone: 051 861 167

Orthodontic Service

The HSE provides an orthodontic service by qualified specialist staff that is free of charge. The HSE school dental clinics refer patients for orthodontic treatment. The main clinic is based at Waterford Regional Hospital with additional clinics operating from Health Centres in Kilkenny, Carlow, Wexford, Enniscorthy, Gorey, New Ross, Dungarvan and Clonmel. There is normally a waiting list for treatment.

Phone: 051 842 660

Orthodontic criteria

Orthodontic guidelines were issued in 1985 by the Department of Health and Children. Children were classified by severity of need. Category A means you require immediate treatment. You are in this category for example, if you have a congenital abnormality such as cleft lip and palate. Category B patients who have less severe problems but need treatment are put on the waiting list. Discussions are currently under way to introduce a new method of categorising need.