Children and Family Services in Waterford

Child Health

Area Medical Teams visit schools in the area to give vaccinations like the MMR, Meningitis C, Rubella etc. They also work with Public Health Nurses to check on a child s development from birth onwards, through a series of standard regular checks. Community Medical Officers also play an important role in managing outbreaks of illness like measles or mumps in the area.

You can contact the Community Medical Officers at 051 842 936 and 051 842 829 or the Child Health Office at 051 842 906.


Immunisation is a simple, safe and effective way of protecting your child against certain diseases. Children and young people in Ireland are entitled to certain vaccinations and immunisation services free of charge. These vaccines are provided by your GP, in hospitals, at Health Centres, at home or at school.

For more information on immunisation talk to your GP, Public Health Nurse, or visit -

Social Work

The Social Work department incorporates Social Workers, Family Support Workers and Community Child Care Leaders. The service assesses child protection and welfare concerns and assists in meeting the support needs of children and families. The service is also responsible for meeting the care needs of children in residential and foster care, while working closely with their families to assess the possibility of the child returning home.

Speech and Language Therapy Services

Speech and Language Therapy Services are provided for children and adults who need help developing their speech or who have had difficulty in this area.

Phone: 051 861 182


The psychology service aims to improve the psychological health and well being of people. The service provides psychological assessment and intervention services, provides education and training to community groups and conducts
projects and research studies.

Phone: 051 842 982


Comhar Adult Service for those who have experienced childhood abuse.

Phone: 1800 234 118