The Health Centre is in or near every community, where you can access a wide range of HSE services.
Ballina (061) 376 321
Borrisokane (067) 27672
Borrisoleigh (0504) 51423
Cappamore (061) 381 371
Cloughjordan (0505) 42307
Galbally (062) 37072
Newport (061) 378 299
Portroe .(067) 23466
Rathcabbin (0509) 39043
Rearcross (062) 79152
Roscrea (0505) 21498
Templemore (0504) 31561
Thurles (0504) 27600
Toomevara (067) 26212
Tyone, Nenagh (067) 46400
Roxtown 061 483 000