Dental and Orthodontic Services in Dublin North
Dental services are provided by dentists in local HSE dental clinics (please see below for contact details).
Children in certain classes in primary school and children and adults with special needs can access HSE dental services for examinations and routine treatment.
Dental Services for adults with medical cards are available from dentists who have contracts with the HSE to provide dental treatment through the Dental Treatment Services Scheme (DTSS). Further information and lists of contracted dentists are available at your local HSE dental clinic.
Adults 16 years of age and over, with special needs requiring significant support due to a disability and where it is not possible for their routine care to be provided by a General Dental Practitioner, may attend the HSE dental clinic by appointment.
Orthodontic Service
An orthodontic assessment will be completed at your child’s 6th class dental appointment. This will determine if your child will qualify for referral to the HSE Orthodontic Service. If your child does not attend this appointment it may not be possible to refer them to the HSE Orthodontic Service at a later stage.
Children that qualify for referral to the HSE Orthodontic Service will be referred to the regional orthodontic unit for a full orthodontic exam. The regional orthodontic unit will decide if your child will be placed on a waiting list for orthodontic treatment.
Emergency dental service
Please be advised that there are no walk-in dental emergency clinics operating at this time, attendance is by appointment only.
For an emergency appointment, other appointments or queries, please call your local HSE Dental Clinic (see below for contact details) and leave a message if necessary. A member of staff will reply to your message.
For out of hours dental emergencies, please contact the Dublin Dental Hospital on 01 612 7257.
Coolock HSE Dental Clinic
Coolock Primary Care Centre, Cromcastle Road
Coolock, Dublin 5
D05 V026
Phone: 01 921 4216
Darndale HSE Dental Clinic
Darndale Health Centre, Darndale Belcamp Village
Centre, Darndale, Dublin 17
D17 X050
Phone: 01 778 8280
Kilbarrack HSE Dental Clinic
Kilbarrack Health Centre, Foxfield Crescent
Kilbarrack, Dublin 5
D05 YA29
Phone: 01 778 8551
Balbriggan Primary Care Centre
Dublin St, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin
K32 HC94
Phone: 01 921 3343
Swords HSE Dental Clinic
Swords Health Centre, Bridge St, Swords
Co Dublin
K67 X765
Phone: 01 921 2142 / 01 921 2143 / 01 921 2144