Older People Services in Meath

Hospitals and Homes for Older Persons

This is a list of the public nursing homes and long stay facilities in the area.

There are also a large number of private nursing homes registered with the HSE. 
About Nursing Homes
Finding the right nursing home

Nursing Home Support Scheme (Fair Deal), Unit 3, Ardee Business Park, Hale St., Co Louth. Phone: 041 687 1515 or 041 687 1525
Respite Services, Beaufort CNU, Athboy Rd., Navan, Co Meath. Phone: 046 909 9107
Home Support Services, First Floor, Beechmount Supervalue, Trim Rd., Navan, Co Meath. Phone: 046 903 7781
Cottage Hospital, Drogheda. Phone: 041 980 1100
St. Joseph’s Hospital, Ardee. Phone: 041 685 3304
St. Joseph’s Hospital, Trim. Phone: 046 943 1229
St. Mary’s Hospital, Drogheda. Phone: 041 983 8680
St. Oliver Plunkett Hospital, Dundalk. Phone: 042 933 4488

Home Care (Palliative) Nursing

Dóchas Centre, Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda. Phone: 041 987 5259
Community Health Unit, Old Athboy Road, Navan. Phone: 046 902 7375
Our Lady’s Hospice, Harold’s Cross, Dublin 6 West. Phone: 01 406 8700
Development Officer, Specialist Palliative Care, Kells.