Dental and Orthodontic Services in Longford and Westmeath

Services for Adults

There are a number of dental practices in the area which provide treatment to private patients, insured patients and adult medical cardholders. Patients may self-refer to these practices.

Further information can be obtained from the Dental Department, Mullingar Primary Care, Mullingar, Co Westmeath, Phone: 044 935 3736

Services for Children

Urgent dental care is available for children under 16 years of age, following triage and by appointment only. The definition of urgent dental care includes uncontrolled bleeding, severe pain, trauma, abnormal tissue, abscess and swelling.

There is no provision for routine dental care or school-based services at present.

Contact details

HSE Dental Office 
Mullingar Primary Care Centre,
Harbour Road
Co Westmeath
Phone: 044 935 3733

Longford/ Westmeath Dental phone numbers:

Phone:044 935 3733

Phone: 090 642 4810

057 933 3023

Phone: 044 966 8053

043 335 0107

043 668 6202

Orthodontic Care

Children will be assessed at the 6th class/1st year exam to determine if they qualify for HSE orthodontic treatment. Your treating Dental Surgeon will advise you if your child is within the guidelines. Children who are deemed to qualify will be referred to the orthodontic department for assessment. The orthodontic department will then decide if your child is to be placed on the treatment waiting list. Children with delayed dental development may be recalled to reassess their eligibility.

Orthodontic contact numbers

Longford, Phone 043 335 0718
Athlone, Phone: 090 642 4602