Children and Family Services in Longford and Westmeath

Child Health

Area Medical Teams visit schools in the area to give vaccinations like the MMR, Meningitis C, Rubella etc. They also work with Public Health Nurses to check on a child's development from birth onwards, through a series of standard regular checks. Area Medical Officers also play an important role in managing outbreaks of illness like measles or mumps in the area.

Phone: Longford (043) 3350157; Westmeath (044) 939 5006/1

Children and Families' Services

Social Work and Child Protection Services can be contacted through your Local Health Office.

Child and Family Resource Centre, Mullingar (044) 934 4877

Childhood Abuse and Neglect 1800 234 113

Pre-school services (057) 932 8110

Children First (057) 935 7842