Social Inclusion and Special Projects in Kerry Local Health Office

Special Projects & Social Inclusion Services
Tel: 021 492 3599

Homeless Service - Emergency Accommodation
Tel: (021) 496 3052

Suicide Bereavement Support Service
Confidential advice and support for those who have lost someone through suicide. Tel: 087 798 6944

Youth Health Service
73 Shandon Street, Cork City A free service for under 25’s. Tel: (021) 422 0490/0214220491Email:

Farm & Rural Stress Helpline
Confidential advice and support for people living in a rural area. Freephone: 1800 742 645 Open daily from 6.00pm-10.00pm Or email us at:

Asylum Seekers Services
CWO Services North Lee East Tel: (021) 430 1270

Addiction Services
Addiction Counselling Services Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment
Counselling & Advisory Services, Block F, Ground Floor, Edward Court, Edward Street, Tralee, Co. Kerry Tel: (066) 7184968
Counselling & Advisory Service, Brandon House, Upper Rock Street, Tralee, Co. Kerry Tel: 066 9153370
Arbour House, St. Finbarr’s Hospital Tel: (021) 496 8933