Early Intervention and School Age Team - Dublin South West

Speech and Language Therapists provide assessment, diagnosis and therapy for children with a wide range of communication difficulties, associated with complex needs. We work as part of a multidisciplinary team.

Phone: 01 468 6200

How do I refer?

Referral to the teams can be considered if a child is identified as having two or more complex developmental needs following completion of a multidisciplinary assessment such as an Assessment of Need.

Useful websites

IASLT.ie - The Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapist’s provides general information for parents/clients on speech and language therapy

ISTI.ie - The Independent Speech-Language Therapists of Ireland’s provides information about Speech and Language Therapists working in private practice in Ireland

mychild.ie - This is a new website for parents. It contains information and advice on pregnancy and the first 3 years of your child’s life

Does your child have a disability or do you suspect he or she may? If so,  find more information about health services and supports for you and your child