Mental Health Services

The Cavan-Monaghan Mental Health Service is delivered through specialist mental health multi-disciplinary teams from childhood to old age:

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service

What do we do?

We provide advice, support and help to children, teenagers and their parents who are having problems. In general we deal with children up to the age of sixteen.

There are a number of reasons why families come to see us, for instance, there may be difficulties with behaviour or feelings, problems at school or problems in relationships, or there may be physical symptoms, stress related problems or eating problems.

How do you get referred?

You will need to ask your G.P. to refer you. Alternatively, another health care professional (consultant or hospital doctor, social worker, psychologist, etc) could refer you to the service.

Who is on the Child & Adolescent Mental Health Team

Psychiatrists                                         Psychologists

Social Workers                                     Child Care Workers

Psychiatric Nurses                                Administrative Staff

Occupational Therapist                         Speech & Language Therapist

Where are we?

Cavan (if you live in Co. Cavan):

(Office hours 9.30am – 5pm Monday – Friday)

Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service
HSE Cavan and Monaghan 
Connolly Street, 
Tel No: 049 4378920

Monaghan (if you live in Co Monaghan):

(Office hours 9.30am – 5pm Monday – Friday)

Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service
St. Davnet’s Complex
Tel No: 047 95300

Outside of office hours :  Parents/Guardians should contact doc-on-call or attend the local Accident & Emergency Department. 

Adult Community Mental Health Service

The Community Mental Health Team is a multidisciplinary team. This means it is made up of many different professionals, such as doctors, nurses, occupational therapists, social workers, family therapists and psychologists. It provides a holistic adult mental health service for Counties Cavan and Monaghan. This means the service considers your physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual and social needs.

The team offers:

  • an integrated system of care and support that meets the individual persons needs;
  • support to service users and their carers in times of stress;
  • a comprehensive care programme that enables the person to continue with their lifestyle without disruption, where ever possible;
  • an agreed individualised care plan with a focus on the strengths and needs of the person;
  • a key worker to help achieve the agreed care plan.

Who is on the team?

The following professionals might be on your mental health team.

Psychiatrists                                          Home-based Treatment Nurses

Psychiatric Nurses                                Clinical Psychologists

Behavioural Therapists                          Family Therapists

Addiction Counsellors                            Alcohol Counsellors

Social Workers                                     Occupational Therapists

Administrative Staff                               Community Mental Health Nurses

How do I get an appointment?

To get an appointment with the service, ask your GP to refer you.  When the team receives the referral from your GP, if appropriate, they will arrange an appointment with you for assessment and plan any identified treatment.

When and how can I contact the team?

The team is available Monday - Friday, 9.00am to 6.30pm.  Outside of these hours, contact your GP, Doctor on Call or you may present at the Emergency Department, Cavan General Hospital for a psychiatric assessment.

Monaghan (if you live in Co. Monaghan)      

Mental Health Service
St. Davnet’s Complex
Tel: 047 95300

Cavan (if you live in Co. Cavan)

Mental Health Service
Drumalee Primary Care Building 
Co. Cavan
Tel: 049 4353145

Community Rehabilitation Service (Cavan and Monaghan)

The Community Rehabilitation Service (CRS) provides support and treatment to people with long-term mental health needs, focusing on their physical, emotional, social and intellectual wellbeing that promotes recovery from their illness.

The service is made up of these smaller teams:

Assertive outreach teams                       Group homes

Community support centres                    Community mental health nurses

24-hour staffed hostels                           Occupational therapy

Cognitive behavioural therapy                 Social work

Each individual service user has an identified ‘key worker’. The key worker helps and supports you with day-to-day care. You have the most contact with your key worker. If you have any worries or concerns about your or care or treatment contact your key worker.

Your key worker will put together a ‘care plan’ with you that the team will use. This is a plan based on your own needs and focuses on recovering from illness. It will help you get exactly what you need from the Community Rehabilitation Service. You are entitled to a copy of your care plan.

Who is on the team?

The following professionals might be on your community rehabilitation team.

Clinical Co-ordinator                              Consultant Psychiatrist

Administrative Staff                                Senior Registrar                       

Social Worker                                         Registrar

Addiction Counsellors                            Occupational Therapist

Behavioural Nurse Therapist                  Care Assistants

Community Mental Health Nurses          Nursing Staff

When and how can I contact the service?

Monday – Sunday 9.00am to 6.00pm


Community Rehabilitation Service                      
St. Davnet’s Complex                                       
Tel: 047 95300


Community Rehabilitation Service
Dept of Psychiatry
Cavan General Hospital
Tel: 049 4376475

NOTE:  All referrals to The Community Rehabilitation Service come from the Adult Community Mental Health Service. Therefore you cannot be referred to this Service by your GP.

Psychiatry of later life service

The Psychiatry of Later Life Service is a Community Mental Health Service for Older People that aims to provide a home-based system of care and support that meets the needs of people aged over 65 years who have mental health problems.

Who can use the Community Mental Health Services for Older People?

Older people developing psychiatric disorders for the first time

Dementia sufferers with behavioural or psychological problems for which psychiatric intervention is required

People with behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD)

Who is on the team?

The following professionals might be on your mental health team for older people.

Clinical Co-ordinator                              Consultant Psychiatrist

Home-based Treatment Team                Behavioural Psychotherapist

Non-consultant Hospital Doctors            Occupational Therapist

Social Worker                                       Psychiatric Nurses

Care Assistants                                     Administrative Staff

Community Mental Health Nurses

What happens when I use this service?

Your GP refers you to the service. After the service receives the referral, a nurse visits you in your own home. The nurse makes an appointment for a doctor to see you in hospital or at home. The doctor sees you. The mental health team puts together a care plan for you. As part of this plan, you might attend the day hospital or be visited by staff at home, begin taking tablets or start a programme of psychotherapy such as cognitive therapy. Your family and carers can be involved during your treatment. For example, they can attend appointments with you.

When and how can I contact the service for older people?

The team is available Monday - Sunday, 9am to 6pm.

Outside of these hours, contact your GP, Doctor on Call or you may present at the Emergency Department, Cavan General Hospital for a psychiatric assessment.

Monaghan (if you live in Co. Monaghan)

Mental Health Service for the Elderly
St. Davnet’s Complex
Tel: 047 95300

Cavan (if you live in Co. Cavan)

Mental Health Service for the Elderly
Department of Psychiatry
Cavan General Hospital
Tel: 049 4376427