Environmental Health Offices: Contact Details

C | D | G | K | L | M | O | R | S | T | W |

Updated March 2025







049 4373418 / 049 4373420 National Environmental Health Service, Health Service Executive, Dublin North East, Cavan Local Health Office, The Arcade, Main Street, Co. Cavan cavanmonaghan.peho@hse.ie
Carlow 059 913 6574 National Environmental Health Service, Health Service Executive, Saint Dympna's Hospital, Carlow Health Services Complex, Athy Road, Carlow, R93 DE62 carlowkilkenny.peho@hse.ie

Cork City North City

021 492 1801 National Environmental Health Service, Health Service Executive, Cork North Lee, Floor 3, Block 1, St. Finbarr's Hospital, Douglas Road, Co. Cork PehoNorthlee.South@hse.ie

Cork City South City

021 492 7703 National Environmental Health Service, Health Service Executive, South Lee, Unit 12 Nessan House, Mahon Industrial Estate, Blackrock, Cork, T12 P8VF. Pehoslee.south@hse.ie

North Cork

022 58705

National Environmental Health Service, Health Service Executive, North Cork, Environmental Health Department, Blackwater House, Mallow, Co. Cork


West Cork

028 51456

National Environmental Health Service, Health Service Executive, West Cork Local Health Office, Elmwood House, Lurriga, Skibbereen, Co. Cork, P81 FC83.



Clare 065 6706660 National Environmental Health Service, Health Service Executive, Unit 6, Quin Road Business Park, Quin Road, Ennis, Co. Clare pehoclare@hse.ie

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074 9123759

National Environmental Health Service, Health Service Executive, County Clinic, St Conal’s Hospital Campus, Letterkenny, Co Donegal, F92 FW6Y. EHSAdminDonegal@HSE.ie
Dublin North East City

01 8976140

Food Hygiene North East City, National Environmental Health Service, Health Service Executive, Suite 205/209, Adelaide Chambers, Peter Street, Dublin 8, D08 DKT9. dublinnortheastcitypeho@hse.ie
Dublin North West City 01 8976140 National Environmental Health Service, Health Service Executive, North West City, Unit 13F, Block 13, Blanchardstown Corporate Park 1, Dublin 15, D15 E039. peho.dublinnorthwestcity@hse.ie
Dublin Specialist Section 01-8976106 National Environmental Health Service, Health Service Executive, Dublin Specialist Section, Unit 4 & 5, 1st Floor, Nexus Building, Blanchardstown Corporate Park, Dublin 15 specialistsectionpeho@hse.ie
Dublin North County-Fingal 01 8976140 National Environmental Health Service, Health Service Executive, Fingal, Unit 4 & 5, 1st Floor, Nexus Building, Blanchardstown Corporate Park, Dublin 15 fingalfoodcontrol.peho@hse.ie
Dublin South East City 01 921 1260 National Environmental Health Service, Health Service Executive, Food & Tobacco Control, South East City, Adelaide Chambers, Peter Street, Dublin 8 dsec.peho@hse.ie

Dublin South West City

01-4686385 National Environmental Health Service, Health Service Executive, Dublin South West City, 4th Floor, Chamber House, Chamber Square, Tallaght, Dublin 24                                       DSWC.PEHO@hse.ie
Dublin Clondalkin 01 468 6375 National Environmental Health Service, Health Service Executive, 4th Floor, Chamber House, Chamber Square, Tallaght, Dublin 24 peho.clondalkin@hse.ie
Dublin Port 01-8976133 Dublin Port Health, National Environmental Health Service, Health Service Executive, Yard 4, Promenade Road, Dublin Port, Dublin 3 porthealthdublin.peho@hse.ie
Dublin Tallaght 01 921 1295/01 921 1296 National Environmental Health Service, Health Service Executive, County Hall, Tallaght, Dublin 24 peho.tallaght@hse.ie
Dublin Dun Laoghaire


01 2715001

Dun Laoghaire, National Environmental Health Service, Health Service Executive, Ground Floor, Silverstone House, Ballymoss Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin 18


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Galway 091-737388 National Environmental Health Service, Health Service Executive, Environmental Health Department, Galway Business Park, Dangan, Co. Galway PEHO.galway@hse.ie

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Kerry 066 7184992 National Environmental Health Service, Health Service Executive, Unit 4, Liber House, Monavalley Industrial Estate, Monavalley, Tralee, Co Kerry. john.moynihan@hse.ie,
Kildare West Wicklow 045 920263 National Environmental Health Service, Health Service Executive, Kildare Local Health Office, Kildare Food Control, The Crossings, Naas, Co. Kildare KildareFood.PEHO@hse.ie
Kilkenny  056 7784016 National Environmental Health Service, Health Service Executive, St Canices Hospital, Dublin Road, Co. Kilkenny carlowkilkenny.peho@hse.ie

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057 8692675

057 9359550

National Environmental Health Service, Health Service Executive, Laois Local Health Office, Dublin Road, Portlaoise, Co. Laois peho.laoisoffaly@hse.ie

071 9650362

HSE National Environmental Health Service, Sligo/Leitrim/West Cavan, Leitrim Road, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim, N41 XC59 sligo.peho@hse.ie
Limerick 061 461502 National Environmental Health Service, Health Service Executive, Limerick Local Health Office, Ashbourne Business Park, Dock Road, Limerick. peholimerick@hse.ie
Limerick East 067-46601 National Environmental Health Service, Health Service Executive, Cappamore Health Centre, Moore Street, Cappamore, Limerick, V94 DY94 peho.northtipp@hse.ie



National Environmental Health Service, Health Service Executive, Health Centre, Dublin Road, Co. Longford N39 KR23 PEHO.longwest@hse.ie




National Environmental Health Service, Health Service Executive, Unit 1.02, First Floor, Southgate, Dublin Road, Drogheda, Co. Louth, A92 PN80






Mayo 094 904 2105 National Environmental Health Service, Health Service Executive, Mayo Local Health Office, St. Mary’s Headquarters, Westport Road, Castlebar, Co. Mayo mayo.peho@hse.ie

046 9098729

046 9098758

National Environmental Health Service, Health Service Executive, Meath Local Health Office, Navan, Co. Meath meath.peho@hse.ie



National Environmental Health Service, Health Service Executive, 18 The Grange, Monaghan, H18 PW01 cavanmonaghan.peho@hse.ie

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057 935 9550

057 8692675

National Environmental Health Service, Health Service Executive, Health Centre, Midland Regional Hospital at Tullamore, Arden Road, Tullamore, Co. Offaly, R35 HP73 peho.laoisoffaly@hse.ie 

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Roscommon 090-6637890 National Environmental Health Service, Health Service Executive, Government Offices, Convent Road, Co. Roscommon roscommon.peho@hse.ie 

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071 9321356

HSE National Environmental Health Service, Sligo/Leitrim/West Cavan, Saint Columba’s Hospital, Clarion Road, Sligo, F91 CD34 Sligo.peho@hse.ie

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Tipperary North 067 46601 National Environmental Health Service, Health Service Executive, Tipperary North Riding Local Health Office, Civic Offices, Limerick Road, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary peho.northtipp@hse.ie
Tipperary South 052 617 7262 National Environmental Health Service, Health Service Executive, South Tipperary, Community Care Centre, Western Road, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary southtipp.peho@hse.ie

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051 842955

National Environmental Health Service, Health Service Executive, Waterford Local Office, Cork Road, Waterford



044 9384890

043 3350140

National Environmental Health Service, Health Service Executive, Unit 7C, Lough Sheever Corporate Park, Robinstown, Mullingar, Co.Westmeath, N91 P449. PEHO.longwest@hse.ie 
Wexford County

053 9114373

053 9114374

National Environmental Health Service, Health Service Executive, Larkin House, Larkin’s Cross, Barntown, Wexford Y35 HH74 EHOwexford@hse.ie
Wexford Rosslare Europort 053-9114381 Rosslare Port Health, National Environmental Health Service, Health Service Executive, Devereaux Building, Ballygillane Big, Rosslare Harbour Y35 D393 importcontrolrosslare@hse.ie
Wicklow 0404 63031 National Environmental Health Service, Health Service Executive, Wicklow Local Health Office, Glenside Road, Co. Wicklow wicklowpeho@hse.ie

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