Medicine Protocols to support the administration of COVID-19 vaccines
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Nurses and Midwives (working to a medicines protocol)
Master Medicine Protocol for the Administration of
Note: Nuvaxovid® XBB.1.5 dispersion for injection COVID-19 Vaccine must be prescribed by a registered medical practitioner, who is responsible for prescribing. As the vaccine must be prescribed, it can only be administered by a registered medical practitioner or a registered nurse/registered midwife. There is no HSE medicines protocol for Nuvaxovid XBB.1.5 dispersion for injection COVID-19 Vaccine to cover administration by any other professional groups. When the vaccine is administered, it will need to be recorded as free text in a comment/note that includes the name of the prescriber and the medical council registration number (MRCN). The actual prescription will also need to be stored locally.
Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT), Paramedics and Advanced Paramedics
Registered Physiotherapists, Radiographers, Radiation Therapists, and Optometrists
Vaccinator Training Plan - COVID-19 Vaccination Programme
Vaccinator Training Plan - Addendum Phase 2 - COVID-19 Vaccination Programme This document sets out the training requirements for clinical students and new registered professionals (radiographers, radiation therapists and dental hygienists).
Please note: this document should be read in conjunction with the Vaccinator Training Plan v2.0 and the Practice Protocol v2.0
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This page was updated on 26 November 2024