HSE and HSE Funded Services
HSE staff and staff in HSE funded services can report adult safeguarding online
If you are a HSE staff member or work in a HSE Funded Service who currently submits preliminary screenings, you can access the Adult Safeguarding Portal and select the option HSE and HSE Funded Service
Oversight pathway of the case will be managed via the Adult Safeguarding Delegation Portal the same login credentials apply to both portals
Professionals inclusive of Health and Social Care
If you are a health and social care professional or a person acting in a professional capacity in the wider community eg An Garda Siochana, a member of a financial institution or working for another state body you can make a community referral using the Adult Safeguarding Portal and select the professional pathway.
Any specific queries on the portal can be directed to Adult.SafeguardingPortal@hse.ie
User Guides
Read our Guide for Professional Community Referral Pathway
Read our Guide for Services Referral
Read our Delegation Portal Manual for Oversight
Demonstration webinars can be viewed on https://www.youtube.com/@hseNSO
Online System for Adult Safeguarding (OSAS)
Please below information relevant to data sharing and the Online System for Adult safeguarding