Whistleblowing - The HSE's Commitment
The HSE is committed to hearing from and responding to concerns raised by employees and workers. Arrangements for dealing with Protected Disclosures, more commonly known as whistle blowing, have been in place in the health sector since 2009 under the provisions of the Health Act 2004 (as amended by the Health Act 2007). In addition, the Protected Disclosures Act 2014 (as amended by the Protected Disclosures (Amendment) Act 2022), which commenced on 01.01.2023 deals with arrangements for protected disclosures in both the public and private sectors.
There are some differences between these acts. These differences relate to a number of issues including the definition of a protected disclosure, who can make a disclosure, to whom it can be made, and the nature of the disclosure.
Responsibility for leading the Protected Disclosures process lies with the Directorate of Public Involvement, Culture and Risk Management.
The contact details for the HSE Authorised Person for Protected Disclosures are as follows:
Post: Office of the Authorised Person, Dr Steevens’ Hospital, Dublin 8, D08 W2A8. Phone: 01 635 2202 *Office hours: 10am to 1pm & 2pm to 5pm Monday to Friday. E-mail: protected.disclosures@hse.ie.
Any queries you may have can be directed in confidence to the Office of the Authorised Person. Protected disclosures forms related to both the Health Act 2004 and the Protected Disclosures Act 2014 are available below.
Legislation and Guidance
The relevant legislation, regulation and guidance which apply to protected disclosures are outlined hereunder.
Relevant Acts
Procedures and Guidance
Separate procedures/guidance apply to the operation of the two Acts as outlined below.
Procedure and Guidance (Protected Disclosures Act 2014, as amended)
The HSE has developed an updated interim procedure for receiving and acting upon disclosures under the Protected Disclosures Act 2014, (as amended).
The purpose of this procedure is to facilitate workers to make, in the prescribed manner, protected disclosures of relevant information which in the reasonable belief of the worker tends to show one or more relevant wrongdoings and which came to the attention of the worker in a work related context. Disclosures may have retrospective application. Relevant protections as provided in the legislation are also outlined.
Disclosures can be made to a range of individuals and bodies in line with provisions in the Act. This procedure has been developed in line with the requirements of the amended Act and has also, as required, had due regard to the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (DPER): Protected Disclosures Statutory Guidance for Public Bodies and Prescribed Persons.
This procedure will be kept under review and amended as required.
Procedure and Guidance (Health Act 2004, as amended)
The purpose of this procedure is to facilitate employees to make protected disclosures in good faith where they have reasonable grounds for believing that the health or welfare of patients/clients or the public may be put at risk, or where there is a waste of public funds or legal obligations are not being met so that the matter can be investigated. This procedure was devised to give effect to the legislation on Protected Disclosures of Information as provided for in the Health Act 2004 (as amended). The legislation also provides statutory protection for health service employees from penalisation as a result of making a protected disclosure in good faith in accordance with this procedure.
Annual Report
Section 22 of the Protected Disclosures Act 2014, (as amended), requires every public body to prepare and publish an annual report in relation to protected disclosures received under the provisions of that Act.
Annual reports published to date are as outlined below.
- Protected Disclosures Annual Report 2024 (PDF, size 920.3 KB, 9 pages)
- Statutory Annual Report 2024 to the Minister PDA-1 (PDF, size 595.3 KB, 2 pages)
- Statutory Annual Report 2024 to the Minister PDA-2 (PDF, size 642.5 KB, 4 pages)
- Protected Disclosure Annual Report 2023 (PDF, size 213.7 KB, 5 pages)
- Statutory Annual Report 2023 to the Minister PDA-1 (PDF, size 162.8 KB, 2 pages)
- Statutory Annual Report 2023 to the Minister PDA-2 (PDF, size 164.5 KB, 3 pages)
- Protected Disclosure Annual Report 2022 (PDF, size 161.8 KB, 3 pages)
- Protected Disclosure Annual Report 2021 (PDF, 183 KB, 1 page)
- Protected Disclosure Annual Report 2020 (PDF, size 300 KB, 1 page)
- Protected Disclosure Annual Report 2019 (PDF, size 392 KB, 2 pages)
- Protected Disclosure Annual Report 2018 (PDF, size 231.3 KB, 1 page)
- Protected Disclosure Annual Report 2017 (PDF, size 224 KB, 1 page)
- Protected Disclosure Annual Report 2016 (PDF, size 206 KB, 1 page)
- Protected Disclosure Annual Report 2015 (PDF, size 250 KB, 1 page)