PQs on Substance Use 2025


To ask the Minister for Health the number of addiction treatment centres, per county, including residential and outpatient services, and the demand for these services, per county, in tabular form.

PQ 46475/ 24

To ask the Minister for Health the supports that are in place for patients who have come off the drug methadone and who now deal with tooth decay (and are unable to eat certain foods which effects both physical and mental health and which also effects an individual’s appearance); and if he will make a statement on the matter.

PQ 46650/24


To ask the Minister the total funding allocated for alcohol addiction services by HSE Addiction Services and HSE section 39 services in 2023 and 2024; and the amount being made available in 2025, in tabular form.

PQ 8828/ 25

To ask the Minister for Health the number of people waiting to access HSE funded alcohol addiction services/ treatment and the length of time they have been waiting, in tabular form.

PQ 8831/ 25