PQ's on Substance Use 2018
* To ask the Minister for Health the number of persons treated for steroid use or abuse in each of the years 2009 to 2017, by sex and age ranges; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
PQ 1073-18 (Steroid use) Final jd.pdf (size 207 KB)
* To ask the Minister for Health his plans to expand availability of naloxone to persons that use drugs as stated in the national drugs strategy Reducing Harm. Supporting Secovery 2017 to 2025; the level of availability for naloxone; the locations in which it is available; the number of occasions it has been used in an emergency situation in 2016, 2017 and to date in 2018; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
PQ 5567-18 & PQ 6446-18 (Naloxone) Final jd.pdf (size 141.7 KB)
* To ask the Minister for Health the measures in place to warn drug users regarding the dangers of a drug (details supplied); the number of drug overdose cases in which this drug has been linked; and if he will make a statement on the matter. - Jack Chambers.
PQ5568-18 (Fentanyl) final jd.pdf (size 183.1 KB)
* To ask the Minister for Health the number of detox beds available for addiction within the greater Dublin area; and his plans to increase the number available for those in need.
PQ 6287-18 (detox beds - greater Dublin Area) final jd.pdf (size 277.4 KB)
*To ask the Minister for Health the facilities for drug and alcohol rehabilitation that are available for long term in-patient care; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
PQ13700-18 (Residential Drug & Alcohol Rehab).pdf (size 221.1 KB)
*To ask the Minister for Health the HSE's policy in relation to Suboxone take away doses; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
PQ 16989-18 (Suboxone take away doses) final ek.pdf (size 534.6 KB)
*To ask the Minister for Health the number of drug and alcohol detox beds by location; if they are public or private beds; the number that are for alcohol, drug or drug and alcohol detox; the waiting list for each category by each location in tabular form; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
PQ 26133-18 (Detox beds waiting times) final.pdf (size 228.7 KB)
*To ask the Minister for Health the number of persons on methadone treatment; the number on treatment for periods (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter.
PQ 31777-18 (Nos.on methadone) final jd.pdf (size 139 KB)
*To ask the Minister for Health the budget allocated to the recently announced positive harm reduction campaigns Cocaine-Reduce the Harms and Crack-Reduce the Harms; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
PQ 35319-18 (Budget for Harm Reduction campaigns) final jd.pdf (size 161.2 KB)
*To ask the Minister for Health the developmental process of the recently announced positive harm reduction campaigns Cocaine-Reduce the Harms and Crack-Reduce the Harms; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
PQ 35320-18 (Harm Reduction campaign - developmental process) final ek .pdf (size 121.3 KB)
*To ask the Minister for Health the international model of best practice which underpins the recently announced and positive harm reduction campaigns Cocaine-Reduce the Harms and Crack-Reduce the Harms; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
PQ 35321-18 (Harm Reduction campaign -Model of Best Practice) final.pdf (size 612.1 KB)
*To ask the Minister for Health the number of detoxification beds for persons recovering from addiction by county; the number of rehabilitation beds for persons recovering from addiction by county in tabular form; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
PQ 35256-18 (Detox. & Rehab. beds) final.pdf (size 204.5 KB)