PPS numbers for health and social care services

A growing number of healthcare services are starting to collect Personal Public Service (PPS) numbers. This change means healthcare services can ask patients for their PPS number during registration.

Your PPS number is unique to you.

PPS numbers help healthcare staff to identify you correctly and link your details to your healthcare records.

About PPS numbers

A Personal Public Service (PPS) number is a unique number that allows you to access social welfare benefits, public services and information. It is sometimes called a PPSN.

While information such as address, Eircode, or mobile number may change, your PPS number remains the same. This consistency allows us to match you to your healthcare records, regardless of changes in your personal information.

Benefits of PPS numbers

Benefits include:

  • provides a reliable way to uniquely identify each person
  • helps healthcare staff connect you to your healthcare records

Key changes for you

You will be asked for your PPS number at all health and social care registrations, such as in the Emergency Department (ED) or at outpatient appointments.

Your appointment letter will remind you to bring your PPS number to your appointment. If the appointment is for your child, the letter will ask you to bring their PPS number.

If we already have your PPS number on file, staff may ask you to confirm it's correct. You won't need to provide it again.

How to find your PPS number

You can find your PPS number on your public services card (PSC) and on correspondence from social welfare or tax offices. It may also appear on your payslip. PPS numbers have 7 digits followed by 1 or 2 capital letters. An example is 1234567A.

If you do not know your PPS number, contact your Intreo Centre or Social Welfare Branch Office.

Common questions

What if I don’t want to provide my PPS number?

You will still receive healthcare even if you choose not to provide your PPS number. However, it is now a standard part of the registration process for health and social care interactions.

What if I don’t have a PPS number?

If you do not have a PPS number, you will still receive healthcare. Staff will use other available identification methods to record your care and treatment.

Can someone use their PPS number on my behalf?

No, your healthcare record should only contain your PPS number. If you cannot provide it, staff will leave that field blank. You should bring it with you to the next appointment.

What if I’m a tourist or visiting Ireland temporarily?

If you’re a tourist or temporary visitor and do not have a PPS number, you can still access healthcare services. Staff will use other identification methods to record your care and treatment.

Are healthcare services and providers allowed to collect PPS numbers?

Yes, the HSE has a lawful basis for collecting PPS numbers under the Social Welfare Consolidation Act 2005 as a specified body.

The HSE also collects and stores PPS numbers to accurately verify patient identity in accordance with GDPR requirements.

How do healthcare services and providers keep my PPS number safe?

Strict policies and procedures are in place to protect your PPS number and all other personal data from unauthorised access or breaches. Measures include robust data security policies and procedures, staff training, and full adherence to GDPR guidelines.