HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast
Listen to the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast with interviews and insights on the work underway by HSE Health and Wellbeing and their partners to deliver on the Healthy Ireland ambition of supporting, protecting and empowering individuals, families and their communities to achieve their full health potential. You can follow on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and on the HSE Health and Wellbeing YouTube channel.
Please get in touch to find out more about our podcast series or the work of HSE Health and Wellbeing at healthandwellbeing.communications@hse.ie.
Sláintecare Healthy Communities
Welcome to the first episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast. In this podcast, we focus on the Sláintecare Healthy Communities Programme to give some insights about how implementation of this new health inequality programme is progressing with Ger Fahy HSE Limerick Sláintecare Healthy Community Coordinator and Mairead Carney, Sláintecare Healthy Community Local Development Officer with Mayo County Council.
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Health and Wellbeing in the GAA
In this episode we hear from Colin Regan, the GAA’s Community and Health Manager who tells us all about the Healthy Club programme in the GAA, how it has developed in recent years and the ambition to have GAA clubs support their communities by being hubs for health and wellbeing.
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Tobacco Free Ireland
In this podcast episode listen to Sarah Halpin talk us through her journey from smoker to ‘We Can Quit’ Community Facilitator, where she is now helping others to stop smoking through the free HSE Quit supports. We also hear from Dr. Paul Kavanagh, HSE’s Public Health Clinical Advisor on Tobacco who shares his thoughts about the current smoking and vaping situation in Ireland today and the plans for a Tobacco Free Ireland. Hosted by Noreen Turley.
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Men’s Health
In this episode, hosted by Fergal Fox, we hear from Dr. Noel Richardson on the subject of men’s health and about how masculinity can put limitations on men’s health and men’s help seeking behaviours. Noel is the Director of the National Men’s Health Research Centre in South East Technological University and has been working in the area of men’s health for over twenty years. Noel discusses on a variety for men’s health initiatives that have been developed in recent years and the various partners who have supported and driven the work.
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Living Well Programme
In this episode, hosted by Eamon Keogh, we talk about the Living Well Programme, a free group self-management programme to help people manage their long-term health condition. Tommy, shares his experience of participating in the programme, his personal challenges and how the programme offered practical help and support. Liz Cox, a Living Well Leader, talks to us about the structure of the programme and what people considering joining can expect. Mary Gowing, a Self Management Support Coordinator for Long-term Health Conditions discusses the history of the Living Well programme, its origins and explains more about what a long term health condition is.
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Alcohol Action Ireland
In this episode listen to Dr. Sheila Gilheaney, CEO of Alcohol Action Ireland as she describes the work underway to reduce the harm from alcohol in Ireland. Hosted by Noreen Turley, Sheila shares excellent insights into the policy areas needing attention as she works in collaboration with the HSE to promote a healthier response to alcohol.
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Staff Choirs
Listen to the latest episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast to hear a heart-warming conversation with Alison Baker Kerrigan and host Fergal Fox, who both share their experience and insights from singing in workplace choirs in the health service. Alison, who works as Arts Officer in Tallaght University Hospital and takes part in their Heartbeats Choir, shares her experience of working with her colleagues in Tallaght to write a new song, which was shared as part of one of the HSE Staff Choir Concerts. Alison also took part in David Brophy’s Frontline Choir during COVID and describes what it was like to connect with a new group of HSE colleagues to practice and perform for the television series.
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Social Prescribing
Listen to this episode as we learn about Social Prescribing and how this initiative can improve the wellbeing of a wide range of individuals, including those who are socially isolated, lonely, and experiencing long-term conditions and mental health difficulties. This week, we speak to Caragh Munn, Social Prescribing co-ordinator with Bray Area Partnership, who explains how Social Prescribing focuses on ‘What Matters to the Person’ rather than ‘What is the Matter with the Person.’ She describes how the aim of Social Prescribing is to connect adults to community groups, organisations and statutory services for practical and emotional support with the help of a Social Prescribing Link Worker.
We learn how referrals to the Social Prescribing Link Worker come from various sources, including GPs, nurses, community mental health teams, health and social care professionals, older people services, the community and voluntary sector, as well as self-referrals.
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Making the ‘Big Talk’ many small talks
Listen to the latest episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast, featuring Moira Germaine, Education and Training Manager with the Sexual Health and Crisis Pregnancy Programme. Moira tells us about the Making the ‘Big Talk’ many small talks resources, which support conversations between parents and their children about relationships and sexuality. Find out all about the research and rationale behind the new resources, now available on sexualwellbeing.ie, as Moira shares her insights from working with a wide range of stakeholders on sexual health to empower parents and carers to support healthy relationships for their children.
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Mental Health
Listen to the latest episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast, hosted by Noreen Turley with Mark Smyth, HSE Senior Clinical Psychologist, who discuss some of the signs of mental health problems and the new HSE Mental Health Literacy Campaign. The episode focuses on stress, anxiety, low mood and sleep as common signs of mental health problems and what we can do to help ourselves and others. HSE resources and support information are available on yourmentalhealth.ie.
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Health Promotion and Improvement
In this episode listen to Karen Heavey and Joan Ita Murphy, two Health Promotion and Improvement Managers in the HSE, as they describe the work of their departments in HSE Health and Wellbeing. Their staff work with a wide variety of partners internally and externally as they target issues from smoking cessation, promoting mental wellbeing and delivery of staff health and wellbeing. Karen and Joan Ita also talk about the social determinants of health, their work on Sláintecare Healthy Communities and how they see their increased staffing numbers working to address the health needs of their areas in the coming years.
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Making Every Contact Count (MECC)
In this episode we talk about Making Every Contact Count (MECC), a national behaviour change programme, which prepares healthcare professionals to use the different contacts they have with their patients as an opportunity to talk with them about making healthier lifestyle changes, in order to prevent chronic disease. Mo Foley, Making Every Contact Count Mobiliser and Louise Crowley, Physiotherapy Manager in HSE Mid-West Community Healthcare tell host Eamon Keogh all about their experience implementing Making Every Contact Count. They share their insights from supporting the implementation of MECC, discussing the training programme, why staff should take it on, and why MECC is of benefit to the public. For more information visit: www.makingeverycontactcount.ie.
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In this episode we talk to Ian Power CEO of SpunOut.ie, the youth information website. The discussion covers a broad range of issues that young people are seeking information on through the website. Ian describes how the organisation has developed and learned by working with young people to give insights and offer support with trusted information where and when young people need it. SpunOut also launched the Free Text 50808 service in 2020 and Ian shares some insights into the way that service was set up and how it supports young people through challenging times. SpunOut have been a partner of the HSE in the context of youth mental health and youth health information for many years.
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Traveller Wellbeing through Creativity
In this episode we hear from Martin Beanz Warde who tells us about his ‘Through Our Eyes’ photography project which was funded under the Traveller Through Creativity initiative in 2022. Martin is a Comedian, Writer and Photographer who also shares his own personal story about expressing his creative ability in a variety of ways and how he has supported others through his growing media presence.
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Men’s Health Week - Why it Matters
In episode 15 of the HSE Talking Health & Wellbeing Podcast, we talk about Men’s Health Week with Anne Farrell, CIE Occupational Health Unit and Finian Murray in HSE Health and Wellbeing. Finian explains the background to Men’s Health Week and the range of activities happening during Men’s Health Week 2023 and the many partners involved. Anne talks to us about the range of health & wellbeing supports in CIE for their pre-dominantly male staff. Hosted by Eamon Keogh. To find out more about #MensHealthWeek check out www.mhfi.org.
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Choose Screening
In this episode, host Fergal Fox talks to Fiona Murphy, Chief Executive of the HSE National Screening Service (NSS) and Grace Rattigan, one of their Patient and Public Partnership representatives about the importance of the four national screening programmes to help prevent or recognise disease early when it is easier to treat. Screening saves lives and the NSS recently launched their new strategy ‘Choose Screening’, putting engagement with people to the forefront of how they do their work. Fiona talks about the significance of this person-centred approach, the journey of the development of the strategy and how the NSS aims to ensure that screening is an informed-choice for people. Grace shares her experience of becoming an ambassador for screening promotion, and speaks about how worthwhile and empowering it has been as a member of the NSS Patient and Public Partnership to help shape the development of the service. For more on the HSE National Screening Service go to: www.screeningservice.ie
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Healthy Workplaces
In this episode we talk Healthy Workplaces with Biddy O’Neill from Healthy Ireland in the Department of Health. The discussion covers the background to the Healthy Workplace Framework – Healthy Ireland at Work, and why and how the recently launched Healthy Workplace Website will guide workplaces on the best things they can do to develop and improve the wellbeing of their staff. Biddy shares her insights into the potential of Healthy Workplaces, what the evidence tells us and what they hope to achieve with the new website as a one stop shop for workplaces, with lots of resources to signpost and support. Hosted by Fergal Fox. Check out the new Healthy Ireland at Work website at: www.healthyworkplace.ie
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HSE Safer Nightlife Programme
In this episode we talk to Nicki Killeen, Project Manager working on HSE Emerging Drugs Trends, we hear all about the HSE Safer Nightlife Programme which was set up to reduce the harm of drugs used in “nightlife” settings and at music festivals in particular. Nicki shares her insights on the pilot work done at the Electric Picnic Music Festival last year and the work underway at this year’s summer music festivals to support people around their risk taking behaviours and to gather samples of drugs for checking. This ‘back of house’ approach allows for drugs to be gathered and analysed through “surrender bins” and supports the team to identify substances of concern, provide real time information in relation to drugs circulating and engage with festival goers to reduce drug-related harms. Nicki explains how the teams of drugs.ie volunteers work at the festivals to build up trust and engage with those attending to complete brief interventions. For more information go to www.drugs.ie.
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HSE Active Workplaces
In this episode we talk to Eimear Cotter, Project Manager, Healthy Eating Active Living Programme, HSE Health & Wellbeing and Dan Russell, Health Promotion & Improvement Officer, HSE, Dublin South, Kildare & West Wicklow Community Healthcare, about active workplaces and the importance of physical activity. Eimear discusses the physical activity guidelines, the risks associated with sedentary behaviour in the workplace and why movement breaks are so important to incorporate as part of our daily routine. Dan shares his experiences about the HSE Steps to Health challenge, which is an internal initiative aimed at encouraging and supporting staff to be more active.
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Parents Matter
In this episode, we speak to Professor Bobby Smyth, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, on the role of parents in the area of substance prevention and education, as part of an ongoing campaign ‘Parents Matter’ to promote information about substances and how to engage children and young people on this matter. Families have the potential to act as a major protective force in the lives of children and adolescents. Mutually supportive family relationships generally influence the prevention of substance use among young people.
In the podcast we hear about the current drug and alcohol landscape, including the latest drug trends and how parents can help in supporting healthy decision making by their children. Professor Smyth also discusses the reasons why we seek to delay or avoid young people’s entry into the world of alcohol and drug use and the steps which parents can take to reduce the likelihood that their son or daughter develops a substance use problem.
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To find out more information and the support options for concerned parents in their local area, visit: Resources for parents (drugs.ie)
Positive Mental Health
In this episode we talk to HSE Health Promotion and Improvement Officers, Olive Fanning and Anne Marie Murphy, about Positive Mental Health and the HSE’s Minding Your Wellbeing programme which is available through a series of 5 videos along with other mental health supports on www.yourmentalhealth.ie. Hosted by Fergal Fox, they discuss the programme and many of the terms and concepts used in the field of Positive Psychology such as Self-Care, Resilience, Positive Relationships, Mindfulness and how we need to Manage Our Thoughts. Both Anne Marie and Olive have significant experience of delivering this evidenced based programme face to face to HSE staff and they offer their insights, giving listeners lots to reflect on in terms of how they mind their own mental wellbeing.
The Minding Your Wellbeing Programme Support Booklet is also highlighted in the podcast as a useful practical tool for people who are working to improve their mental wellbeing and is available via www.healthpromotion.ie.
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Alcohol & Pregnancy
In this podcast two experts discuss Alcohol and Pregnancy. Dr Mary O’Mahony, Consultant in Public Health Medicine and Professor Maeve Eogan, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist talk to podcast host Noreen Turley about a range of issues involved including Foetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). FASD Awareness Day is the 9th of September 2023.
They discuss the difficulties that some women face giving up alcohol while pregnant and the importance of providing consistent messaging to women. The clear message is that no amount of alcohol at any stage of pregnancy is safe for your baby and if you have had a drink, stopping as soon as the pregnancy is confirmed is the best thing for your developing baby.
Maeve says that “We want to support women who find having an alcohol free pregnancy difficult without the ‘blame and shame culture’ that can prevent women asking for help. Health care professionals need to have clear communication and have those challenging conservations with women so that we can provide support to women.”
Mary explains that “The reality is that anytime alcohol is consumed during pregnancy, it passes from your blood stream through the placenta to your baby. Even a small amount of alcohol can harm a baby’s development and may have lifelong effects. But stopping drinking alcohol at any stage of pregnancy is of benefit to the baby.”
Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause foetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). FASD experience lifelong challenges and need support with their physical health. They may struggle with learning, memory, attention, communication, emotional regulation, and social skills. FASD Awareness Day is the 9th of September 2023.
For further information and tips for not drinking during pregnancy contact the Drug and Alcohol Helpline on 1800 459 459 or visit Alcohol during pregnancy page and mychild.ie.
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Healthy Lunchboxes for Kids
The latest HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast talks about Healthy Lunchboxes for Kids and much more.
With school routines starting again and parents getting to grips with what to put into those lunchboxes and what to avoid. Marian McBride, Dietetic Lead, HSE Health & Wellbeing discusses the importance of a balanced diet to ensure children develop a healthy relationship with food.
With tips on how to introduce healthier foods into children’s daily diets. Marian gives ideas on what to include, recognising that parents are busy, she explains that it’s about frequency and taking those different opportunities to introduce healthier options.
For more information and ideas visit Healthy eating page.
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Healthy Campus
Listen to the latest episode which delves into the area of the Healthy Campus work underway in third-level institutions across the country. Under the Higher Education Healthy Campus Charter and Framework led by the Higher Education Authority (HEA), this sector continues to increase its delivery of health and wellbeing work in conjunction with the Department of Health, Healthy Ireland. Our guests are Martina Mullin from Trinity College Dublin and Dr. Teresa Hurley from Technological University Dublin, who share their insights and learning from their on the ground work with host Fergal Fox. As a setting, higher education has huge potential, to not only improve health and wellbeing but also improve academic performance, students' sense of belonging, improve staff-student relationships, reduce stress and link to any number of priority issues for young adults and staff. Many of these benefits are discussed and given real world examples in the podcast.
A Healthy Campus ‘adopts a holistic understanding of health, takes a whole campus approach and aspires to create a learning environment and organisational culture that enhances the health and wellbeing of its community and enables people to achieve their full potential’. It’s about moving away from a focus only on individuals to ensure we are creating campuses that are conducive and supportive to health and wellbeing, a whole campus approach. This includes how health can be supported through teaching and learning, leadership, governance and strategy, student services, the physical environment, and campus culture. It aims to foster an ethos of care, compassion, and inclusion on campuses. The Healthy Campus Process, contained in the Framework, outlines an inclusive, coordinated approach to improving health and wellbeing. To find out more about the work underway in this area see the HEA’s Healthy Campus webpage.
The HEA oversees the strategic development of the Irish higher education and research system, with responsibility for the effective governance and regulation of higher education institutions and the higher education system. As well as responsibility for the Healthy Campus Framework, the HEA also oversees the implementation of the National Student Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Framework (PDF, 3.43MB, 92 pages).
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Reducing Your Risk of Cancer
In Ireland, 1 in 2 people will develop cancer at some stage of their life. Cancer prevention and early diagnosis are key to reducing the burden of cancer in Ireland.
Listen to Consultant in public health Dr Triona McCarthy at the HSE’s National Cancer Control Programme (NCCP) discuss steps you can take to reduce your risk of cancer and the healthy lifestyle choices you can make to help.
Triona also explains that not all cancers can be prevented; each individual’s risk of getting cancer is influenced by a wide range of factors. But she adds that there are steps we can take to reduce the risk of many cancers. Making healthy lifestyle choices not only reduces the risk of cancer, but also helps improve general health.
Dr McCarthy works with the HSE’s National Cancer Control Programme, which established and coordinates the Irish Cancer Prevention Network (ICPN). ICPN member organisations work together to support and collaborate on cancer risk reduction initiatives. Together, they provide a trusted source of information for the public by converting the knowledge gained through research, surveillance and outcome evaluation into strategies and actions for the prevention of cancer in Ireland.
There are now more than 200,000 people living with and beyond cancer in Ireland. The number of survivors is predicted to double over the next 25 years, mainly due to improvements in early detection, effective cancer treatment and new developments in treatment.
For further information, please visit: hse.ie/cancerprevention.
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Breastfeeding Support
In this podcast, we hear from breastfeeding experts as they explain why breast feeding is important for mother and baby and outline the range of supports in every community throughout the country. This year’s theme for Breastfeeding week is ‘Making our communities and workplaces more breastfeeding friendly’. It aims to highlight local supports for parents and the recent expansion in law of breastfeeding breaks during work hours up to a child’s second birthday. Parents can get tips and advice on continuing to breastfeeding when returning to work and can also talk to a breastfeeding expert on www.mychild.ie.
Our podcast host Noreen Turley speaks to Helen Long, a breastfeeding mother with a complex story, who sought help and information as she began her breastfeeding journey, she said she “feels empowered and has realised that for her breastfeeding is her parenting superpower.” Helen would like to see breastfeeding normalised in Irish society and hopes by telling her story she will encourage more mothers to breastfeed their babies.
Alison Reynolds, Public Health Nurse and Lactation Consultant, acknowledges that breastfeeding can be difficult and explains to mothers how and where they can get practical advice and support to help them breastfeed. She tells us that your GP, GP practice nurse, midwife or public health nurse (PHN) will be happy to discuss feeding your baby and many people find it helpful to learn about breastfeeding while pregnant. Alison says that “Breastfeeding looks different to every mother and by working together with a Lactation Consultant, mothers can get the support that will work for them and enable them to breastfeed their baby for as long as they wish.”
Laura McHugh, HSE National Breastfeeding Coordinator, said that “We know from our data that more mothers are breastfeeding every year and that we are listening to our mothers’ needs, responding to them and are putting supports in place in every community in the country to help mothers breastfeed.” Laura also tells us that we now have over 180 breastfeeding groups, breastfeeding live chat and many more tips and support for parents available on the HSE’s www.mychild.ie website.
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Financial Wellbeing
Listen to week's podcast as we hear from North Dublin Regional Manager of the Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS), Gwen Harris. In this podcast, hosted by Fergal Fox, we learn that financial wellbeing is about having control and confidence in managing a budget rather than accumulating wealth. Gwen provides practical tips for budgeting, including how to reduce food waste and how to save money in areas like utility bills.
She also sheds light on the emotional toll and societal aspects of financial stress, emphasising that it's often external factors like job loss or illness, not personal overspending, that lead to financial strain. Gwen highlights the reluctance people may have when seeking financial assistance, and stresses the importance of creating a judgment-free environment where people from all walks of life, regardless of their background or employment status, can seek support and advice. Gwen encourages listeners to seek support from organisations like MABS and suggests visiting their website mabs.ie or calling their helpline on 0818 072 000, which open from 9am to 8pm, Monday to Friday. She also highlights that MABS provides financial health tools, tips and regular blog posts on various topics related to personal finance
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Dementia: Understand Together
Listen to week's podcast as we hear about the HSE Dementia: Understand Together campaign, which aims to raise awareness and understanding of dementia and inspire communities to become inclusive.
Our guests are Fiona Foley, Senior Project Manager HSE National Dementia Office, and Kathleen Farrell, who is living with Lewy body dementia and is a member of the Irish Dementia Working Group. In this podcast, hosted by Noreen Turley, we hear about the various types of dementia, early signs and symptoms and where to go for help if you have dementia or are a family member supporting a person with the condition. We hear from Kathleen, who is very open about living with dementia and shares her personal experiences as she outlines some of the supports available to her. Kathleen also highlights the importance of education among all community groups and organisations to create inclusive communities all over Ireland. Fiona tells us that the "Understand Together" campaign recently launched a new dementia inclusive community symbol which organisations and groups can display to show their solidarity with people living with dementia, and also highlights how the new symbol is changing the dementia culture in Ireland, increasing visibility and awareness of dementia.
For more information you can contact understandtogether@hse.ie, visit understandtogether.ie or call the national helpline facilitated by the Alzheimer Society of Ireland on 1800 341 341.
Dementia: Understand Together is led by the HSE, in partnership with the Alzheimer Society of Ireland (ASI), Age Friendly Ireland, the Dementia Services Information and Development Centre, Age & Opportunity and Healthy Ireland.
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Obesity: Changing Attitudes
In this podcast, we hear from Dr Jean O’Connell, a consultant endocrinologist and clinical lead at the Centre for Obesity Management at St. Columcille's and St. Vincent's University Hospitals. Jean explains that obesity is a chronic disease caused by a malfunction in the body's energy balance and weight regulation. She goes on to explain that approximately 1 in 4 adults in Ireland are living with obesity, but the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic may have increased these numbers. Despite this, Jean also talks about the bias and stigma associated with this long term illness.
Susie Birney, the lead for the Irish Coalition for People Living with Obesity (ICPO) shares her personal experience of living with obesity, highlighting the difference between overweight and obesity. She also shares her personal experience of encountering weight bias within the healthcare system. Her experience reflects the damaging impact of internalized weight bias and how the language others use can reinforce this. Hosted by Eamon Keogh, we also discuss the importance of challenging stigma and misconceptions surrounding obesity. This includes the need for neutral and positive imagery in the media and the importance of healthcare professionals avoiding assumptions and biases when discussing obesity with patients.
For more information visit ICPO website.
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Men’s Sheds
In this episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast, host Fergal Fox talks to Rebecca McLaughlin from the Irish Men's Sheds Association and Raymond Jordan from the Firhouse Men's Shed in Dublin. They discuss the positive impact of Men's Sheds on the community, the diversity of activities offered, and the importance of connection and camaraderie. Rebecca and Ray highlight the "Sheds for Life" programme, a health and wellbeing initiative that provides support directly to men in Sheds. Ray shares his personal experience of the programme in Firhouse and his retirement planning, and the fulfilment he found in joining a Men's Shed. The episode also touches on the social and mental wellbeing many men gain through their participation with Men’s Sheds, and the many community engagement initiatives supported by the large network of sheds across the country.
For more information visit the Men’s Sheds website or check out the Sheds for Life Impact Report.
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Mental Health Ireland
In this episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing podcast, host Fergal Fox talks to Martin Rogan, the CEO of Mental Health Ireland. They discuss the organisation's work in promoting mental health and wellbeing, the importance of collaboration and understanding in mental health promotion, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health. Martin emphasises the need for a holistic approach to mental health and highlights the fundamental role of parenting. He tells us about the coproduction model utilised by Mental Health Ireland and the priority of engaging with people with lived experience of mental health, to inform all their developments.
He also shares his insights into successful mental health promotion research and models implemented in other countries. Martin is also working with the Department of Health on their Mental Health Promotion Plan and shares his insights into that work. It all makes for an uplifting and engaging conversation about mental wellbeing.
For more information visit the Mental Health Ireland website.
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Fertility Wellbeing
In the latest episode of HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast, we talk to Professor Mary Wingfield, Consultant Obstetrical Gynaecologist at the National Maternity Hospital, Dublin.
Hosted by Noreen Turley, they discuss fertility wellbeing, the common fertility problems in both men and women, the importance of early fertility education, and the psychological impact of fertility treatments. Mary explains that there are a number of factors that can affect your fertility and there are things you can do to improve your chances of conceiving. We hear advice on what you can do if you are experiencing fertility problems as we learn about the new HSE Regional Fertility Hubs, providing free services to people experiencing fertility problems such as IUI, IVF and ICSI, are available for people who meet the access criteria.
For more information, visit Your fertility page for valuable resources and insights.
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COVID-19 & Flu Vaccines Explained
In this episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast, host Fergal Fox talks to Dr. Sarah Geoghegan, Clinical Lead of the National Immunisation Advisory Committee (NIAC), and Gillian Buggy, Regional Flu Lead for South East Community Healthcare. They discuss the COVID-19 and Flu vaccinations, explaining the rationale and the importance of these programmes. They highlight the significance of the COVID-19 vaccination programme in saving people from serious illness and death during the pandemic, and touch on the recent research published on this. We learn from Dr. Geoghegan about how vaccines work as she expands on the effectiveness of vaccination and also the side-effects. Gillian talks about how important it is for certain groups to get vaccinated ahead of winter, particularly healthcare workers, and what to expect when getting vaccinated. They also answer questions from healthcare workers, such as ‘Why would I need a covid vaccine… sure covid is gone!’ For more information about COVID-19 and flu vaccines, visit hse.ie.
If you are a healthcare worker and wish to access the 15 minute online training about the benefits of vaccines. “The Flu and COVID-19 Vaccines for Healthcare Workers - protect yourself, protect others” is a short online course designed to educate and inform healthcare workers about the flu and COVID-19 vaccines, and to address some of the things you should know about the vaccines. Go to hseland.ie and search for it.
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Understanding HIV in 2023
In this episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing podcast, host Eamon Keogh discusses HIV with Professor Fiona Lyons, HSE Clinical Lead of the Sexual Health and Crisis Pregnancy Program and Consultant in Genitourinary Medicine at Saint James’ Hospital Dublin, and Aoife Commins, a practicing nurse who is living with HIV. They cover the progress made in HIV treatment, the importance of early intervention, and the challenges of stigma and discrimination. Fiona highlights the decrease in first-time HIV diagnoses as she explains the need for normalising HIV testing. Aoife shares her personal experience living with HIV, including her initial misdiagnosis and the stigma she has faced. Fiona discusses the highly effective treatments and how science has progressed. We also hear about the importance of creating a safe space for individuals to disclose their status.
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If you are looking for more information about HIV, you can visit any of the links below:
HIV Ireland: hivireland.ie
GOSHH: goshh.ie
Sexual Health West: sexualhealthwest.ie
Information about treatment and HIV care: aidsmap.com
Useful information for people living with or affected by HIV: Information on HIV (sexualwellbeing.ie)
Healthcare professionals looking for more information: HIV Indicator Conditions
Winter Wellness
In this episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast, we discuss Winter Wellness with Dr. Edel Doorley, HSE GP Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control (AMRIC). Dr. Doorley provides advice on managing common illnesses, emphasising the importance of hand hygiene, vaccinations, and self-care. She highlights the HSE Common Conditions website as a resource for parents and encourages physical activity and social connections for mental health. The discussion also touches on the importance of routine and resources available in local communities for non-emergency health concerns. The "Catch it, Kill it, Bin it" initiative, promoting proper coughing etiquette, is also highlighted by Dr. Doorley as she encourages everyone to maintain simple ways to prevent the spread of infections. Hosted by Fergal Fox. More information on Winter Wellness is available on the How to keep well in winter page and the HSE Common Conditions page can also answer lots of questions.
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Vaping: Get the Facts
In this episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing podcast, Dr. Paul Kavanagh, Consultant in Public Health Medicine and Public Health Advisor for the HSE Tobacco Free Ireland Programme, discusses the harmful effects of vaping and e-cigarettes, particularly among children and young people. Susan MacNicholas, a stop smoking advisor, shares her experiences working with young people who vape and emphasises the addictive nature of nicotine, They discuss the increasing trend of vaping among young people, the harmful chemicals contained in e-cigarettes, and the new legislation to regulate the sale of e-cigarettes to minors. Hosted by Noreen Turley, the episode also highlights the importance of quitting smoking and the availability of support services for those who wish to quit.
Listen on Podbean and on the HSE Health and Wellbeing YouTube.
Links to information and resource below:
- Information booklet on E- Cigarettes and vaping (PDF, size 929 KB, 12 pages)
- Information and guidance on E-Cigarettes and Vaping for Schools (PDF, size 3.44 MB, 10 pages)
- E-cigarette Resources
- HSE joint response to concerns of children and young people using e-cigarettes (PDF, size 504 KB, 7 pages)
- Vaping information for parents (PDF, size 619 KB, 5 pages)
- Healthy Choice 2, Nicotine Addiction; Tobacco and E-Cigarettes (PDF, size 2.11 MB, 20 pages)
- Quit4Youth Resources
- Stop Smoking Services
A Lookback on 2023
In this episode the hosts of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast reflect on their experiences and the success of the series to date. They discuss standout episodes, including Nikki Killeen's discussion about the Safer Nightlife Programme as they identified new drugs at music festivals, Prof. Bobby Smyth's insights on addiction in young people, and Dr. Sheila Gilheaney's episode about the work of Alcohol Action Ireland to advance implementation of Alcohol Act and hidden alcohol marketing. They also highlight the power of personal stories in their episodes, the importance of context and humanity in healthcare discussions, and the value of including healthcare staff voices. Hosts, Fergal Fox, Noreen Turley and Eamon Keogh express gratitude to their guests and listeners and look forward to future conversations.
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Ten Tips for a Healthy 2024
The HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast relaunches this week as host Fergal Fox, with Senior Health Promotion and Improvement Officers, Dr Michelle Hardie-Murphy and Aisling Doherty, discuss ten tips to kick start the New Year. They talk about setting realistic goals, the importance of enjoying healthy activities and celebrating small victories. The episode emphasises the need for flexibility, self-care, and regular reflection in the face of setbacks. They highlight the HSE’s quit smoking services and other free resources on the Health and Wellbeing YouTube channel and in the community through the likes of ParkRun and Local Sports Partnerships. They underscore the value of getting support for your behaviour change while recognising that many things influence people’s health outside of their lifestyle behaviours.
For more information visit HSE Health and Wellbeing on Youtube, Safefood website, ParkRun, Sport Ireland, Quit.ie, Minding Your Wellbeing and yourmentalhealth.ie.
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Parenting: Talking it Out
In our latest HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast host Eamon Keogh talks with Parenting Facilitators, Lulu O’Kelly, Bray Area Partnership and Linda Pickett, Northside Area Partnership. They talk about the parenting peer groups they run, how they are a safe, non-judgemental place, where day to day experiences, like meal times, screen times and the big one, “Saying No” are discussed. They discuss every day challenges parents face, offering some guidance, based on their vast experiences. They also discuss the value and role of peer support in parenting groups, where parents lean on each other and find comfort in the fact that in most cases, they are all dealing with the same day to day issues.
For more information visit gov.ie/supportingparents/ and Sláintecare Healthy Communities Parenting Groups.
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Communities Saving Lives
In this episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing podcast, we hear about the role of Community First Responders (CFRs) from Ger O’Dea, the Community Engagement Manager with the HSE National Ambulance Service. Ger highlights the importance of community involvement in emergency situations, especially in rural Ireland where ambulance response times can be longer and explains how they provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training to anybody who wants to become a CFR. Hosted by Fergal Fox, they discuss the critical first five minutes of a cardiac arrest, the misconceptions between cardiac arrest and heart attack, and the automated system that alerts CFRs to emergencies. Ger emphasises the need for widespread CPR training and the use of AEDs, and he encourages listeners to get involved in CFR schemes to help save lives in their communities. The episode highlights the importance of community engagement, training, and the maintenance of emergency response equipment to enhance survival rates in cardiac events. It all makes for a very inspiring episode, which we hope encourages you to play your part in Communities Saving Lives! For more on becoming a CFR go to www.becomeacfr.ie and to learn more about the work of the HSE National Ambulance Service go to www.nationalambulanceservice.ie
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Active Lifestyles for People with Disabilites
In this episode, host Noreen Turley meets with Brenda O'Donnell and Lauren Watters from Active Disability Ireland to discuss their work underway in promoting active lifestyles for people with disabilities. They tell us about the Active Healthy Me programme, which aims to empower people with disabilities to take control of their own health & wellbeing through an online education programme. We also hear about the Sport Inclusion Disability Charter, outlining five key areas people with disabilities are asking all organisations to consider in making active and healthy lifestyles possible for them. We hear about the importance of inclusive policies and a person-first approach, and highlight the challenges faced in youth sports participation and the need for consultation. Brenda outlines future goals, including expanding into education and the collaboration with services across Ireland to update national physical activity guidelines. The episode concludes with a testimonial from Antoinette, emphasising the positive impact of staying active. Activity Disability Ireland host the Active Disability Services Awards which aim to champion the innovative physical activity, health promotion and community inclusion initiatives that have arisen as a result of the service engaging with Active Healthy Me programme. For those interested in the Active Disability Services Awards, the deadline is approaching, and more information can be found on the Active Disability Ireland website activedisability.ie. For further information visit Disability services.
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Obesity: Treatments & Trends
In this episode, host Eamon Keogh talks with Professor Donal O’Shea, HSE Clinical Lead, who takes us through the complexities of obesity as a chronic disease. He emphasises the need for empathy and a shift in perception towards individuals with obesity and highlights the connection between obesity and over 200 conditions, advocating for a shift in focus towards treating obesity itself to prevent these complications. Donal also talks about the importance of language and communication in healthcare., the way we talk about obesity can either perpetuate stigma or foster support. He goes on to discuss the emergence of new treatments for obesity, based on hormones and gut mechanisms that offer significant benefits in terms of health improvement and weight loss. For obesity support information visit icpobesity.org or if you’d like to read more on HSE Model of Care for the Management of Overweight and Obesity visit Model of Care.
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Your Child’s Vaccine Journey
In this episode, host Fergal Fox discusses vaccinations with Dr Lucy Jessop, Director of the National Immunisation Office, and parent representative Lorraine Hughes. Dr Jessop provides a clear explanation of how vaccines work, teaching the immune system to recognise and combat diseases before they can take hold. She stresses the importance of following the recommended vaccination schedule as this proactive approach to health is crucial in safeguarding our children during their most vulnerable stages. We discuss the vaccination schedule for children, including the introduction of the HPV vaccine for boys and its role in cancer prevention, as Lorraine shares her son's vaccination experience. The episode also addresses vaccines recommended during pregnancy, the importance of timely vaccinations to prevent disease resurgence and the need for accurate information from reliable sources. It highlights the role of healthcare professionals in building parental trust and ensuring children receive vaccinations at the right time. For further information visit immunisation.ie or if you’d like to read or download the current immunisation schedule visit Current Schedule.
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Sláintecare Healthy Communities
In this episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing podcast, we discuss the Sláintecare Healthy Community initiative in Dublin's North East Inner City with guests Catherine Heaney and Cáit Donnelly. They explore the recent evaluation report and the importance of partnerships between the HSE Health and Wellbeing and community organisations like Dublin City Community Co-op. The conversation highlights the diverse and complex communities they serve, including areas of disadvantage and the impact of social determinants on health. The Sláintecare Healthy Communities project aims to improve long-term health and wellbeing by addressing broader social needs alongside lifestyle factors. The episode emphasises the value of partnership working and community development in health promotion. For more information, visit Sláintecare Healthy Communities.
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Youth Drug & Alcohol Support
In this podcast episode we speak with Emer Loughrey, Counsellor and Dr Monica Whyte Systemic Family Therapist who work together in Youth Drug and Alcohol (YoDA), a service within HSE Addiction service that work with young people engaged in problematic drug or alcohol use whilst supporting their families. In this episode, they discuss the critical topic of substance use among young people, with a focus on the services provided by YoDA service in Tallaght, Dublin. They shed light on the prevalent substances among youth today, such as cannabis, nitrous oxide, and alcohol, and the impacts these substances can have on their lives. One key takeaway from this episode is the importance of early detection of substance abuse, as indicated by subtle signs like mood changes or a decline in academic performance. Emma and Dr. Whyte stress the importance of open communication with young people, especially during the transition from primary to secondary school, and emphasise the vital role of maintaining strong family connections and communication. The multidisciplinary approach of YoDA is highlighted, showcasing their comprehensive support system for young individuals, which encompasses addressing family dynamics and peer pressure. For concerned parents seeking support options, they offer resources available through drugs.ie.
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Menopause: Understanding Symptoms & Treatments
In the latest HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast episode, host Noreen Turley talks openly about menopause with two women's health experts, Dr. Cliona Murphy, a Gynaecologist and Clinical Director at the HSE National Women & Infants Health Programme, and Dr. Caoimhe Hartley, a General Practitioner and Clinical Lead of the Complex Menopause Clinic at Rotunda Hospital. It becomes clear early in the discussion that the menopause journey is very personal, with experiences varying among women. The conversation explores a range of symptoms and treatment options, including an examination of the benefits and risks associated with Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). Both experts stress the importance of seeking medical guidance early, particularly if a woman's quality of life is being impacted. They explain that early intervention, education, and open discussion about the menopause, can relieve anxiety and empower women to seek assistance ultimately promoting women's overall health and wellbeing.
For more information visit Menopause or The Rotunda Menopause Clinic
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HSE CEO, Bernard Gloster
In our latest episode, host Fergal Fox speaks to Bernard Gloster, CEO of the HSE, about the developments, as well as challenges, in Ireland's health service. They discuss the work underway in the HSE to promote health and wellbeing under the Health Services Healthy Ireland Implementation Plan. Bernard shares an update on his strategic priorities and reflects on 12 months in the job as CEO as he emphasises the importance of maintaining a shared vision and a positive culture to drive improvements with the patient or service user always to the fore in planning and delivery of health services. He discusses his own quit smoking journey and how the HSE QUIT campaign continues to work towards a Tobacco Free Ireland. He gives an update on the imminent changes and restructuring of the HSE and the six new regional Chief Officers.
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Find Cancer Early
In this episode of the HSE's Talking Health and Wellbeing podcast, Dr. Heather Burns discusses the importance of symptom awareness and early detection of cancer. Dr. Burns is a Consultant in Public Health Medicine and Public Health Lead for Early Detection of Cancer with the HSE National Cancer Control Programme. She notes that cancer is common in Ireland, with 1 in 2 people having a cancer diagnosis in their lifetime. Dr. Burns urges people to contact their GP if they notice any symptoms that are not normal for them and are not getting better, like a persistent cough, a change in bowel habit, a breast lump or unexplained weight loss. The episode covers the role of GPs in cancer referrals and the availability of rapid access clinics, emphasising the importance of education and proactive healthcare for early diagnosis. If you would like to know more about the issues discussed, please go to the NCCP website. If you would like to order the resources discussed to help spread the messages around early diagnoses go to www.healthpromotion.ie and select ‘cancer’ in the search by topic option.
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Alcohol Support Services
In this podcast episode, Dr. Colin O'Driscoll, Clinical Lead Psychosocial Services, and Eleanor Keogh, Project Worker, both with the Mid-West Alcohol Service, discuss the HSE Integrated Alcohol Service. They tell us that this service works with community agencies to offer personalised support for those with alcohol concerns, ranging from mild to severe. They provide assessments and support for individuals and their families, highlighting that help is available for anyone struggling with alcohol use. In this episode, we discuss the high level of alcohol consumption in Ireland, emphasising the service's collaborative, non-judgmental approach and stress the importance of early intervention and community awareness to combat stigma. For further information and supports visit www.hse.ie/alcohol or call the HSE Drugs and Alcohol Helpline on 1800 459 459.
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Gut Health
In this podcast episode, Geraldine Sexton, a HSE Senior Project Dietitian, from the HSE Healthy Eating Active Living Programme, talks about the importance of having a healthy gut. She encourages us to think about how to expand our plant based diet, with tips and tricks for young and old people who may not like plant foods. Geraldine also addresses common misconceptions about our digestive health. Finally talking about how Gut Health can play a significant role in our mental health.
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Sexual Health Centre
In this podcast episode, Martin Davoren, Executive Director of the Sexual Health Centre discusses sexual health in the context of the Centre’s evolution, services, and new developments in the area. During this discussion, Martin outlines why sexual health is such an important part of a person’s health and wellbeing and how this area has seen significant innovation in recent years with the development of the Free Home STI Testing Service, Free Contraception, and many other services and supports. He highlights collaborations by the Sexual Health Centre with various agencies to improve sexual health services in Cork. The centre's efforts to normalise conversations around sexual health and reduce stigma are commendable, as they work tirelessly to make sexual health a regular topic of discussion. Hosted by Fergal Fox, this episode makes for an interesting and engaging conversation. You can find more information about the work of the Sexual Health Centre at www.sexualhealthcentre.com and you can access the HSE supports and services at sexualwellbeing.ie.
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In this episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing podcast, we talk to Dr. Michael O'Dwyer and Aisling O’Rourke about sepsis, a critical health issue. Aisling shares the heart-wrenching story of her father's battle with sepsis, emphasising the need for awareness and timely recognition of its symptoms. Dr. O'Dwyer, the HSE Sepsis Programme's Clinical Lead, educates listeners on the dangers of sepsis and the urgency of early intervention, particularly for at-risk groups. The episode serves as a poignant reminder of the role caregivers play in patient advocacy and the life-saving importance of asking, "Could this be sepsis?".
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Men’s Development Network
In this podcast episode, Seán Cooke of the Men's Development Network discusses the organisation's initiatives to improve men's health and wellbeing. He outlines the Engage consortium's role in creating training programs like "Connecting with Young Men" and "On Feirm Ground," which focusses on the agricultural sector and their role in supporting Men’s Health Week. Seán emphasises the importance of non-judgmental, safe spaces for male-friendly conversations and the Network's efforts in gender equality and in addressing domestic violence. The success of these programmes and their impact on policy and education are highlighted, with an invitation for listeners to visit the Network's website for more resources: mensnetwork.ie.
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Understanding Low Back Pain
In this podcast episode, host Eamon Keogh and HSE Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist Susan Murphy discuss low back pain, its types, and management strategies. Susan explains the difference between acute and persistent low back pain, the commonality of the condition in Ireland, and the impact of lifestyle factors on low back pain. Susan talks about sciatica, the importance of exercise for back strength and flexibility, and when to seek medical advice. She also discusses the different free resources available from the HSE, in particular two booklets that have been developed to help people understand more about acute and long term back pain. Susan highlights the role of physiotherapy and psychological support in treatment. The conversation aims to empower individuals with knowledge and tools to manage their low back pain effectively. To order these new resources on managing low back pain, visit healthpromotion.ie.
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Reduce Alcohol Harm
In this podcast episode, Noreen Turley talks to Paula Leonard, CEO of Alcohol Forum Ireland. Alcohol Forum Ireland is a charity that originated to address the hidden harm caused by parental problematic alcohol use and addiction. Paula explains that their mission is to work collaboratively with stakeholders such as HSE, An Garda Síochána, Drug and Alcohol Task Forces and communities to tackle the complexities of alcohol use and its impact on families. Alcohol Forum Ireland's approach, from community action on alcohol to family support and rehabilitation services, offers hope and a path to recovery for many. They advocate for the most effective policy measures and support services to reduce alcohol harm, empower families and communities, and reduce the influence of the alcohol industry on the environment in which we live. For further information and supports visit HSE Alcohol or call the HSE Drugs and Alcohol Helpline on 1800 459 459.
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Let’s Talk About Suicide
In this podcast Ailish O’Neill (National Education and Training Manager with the HSE National Office for Suicide Prevention) and Declan O’Shea (a Lived Experience Contributor) discuss the new, free online suicide prevention training programme from the HSE, ‘Let’s Talk About Suicide’. 'Let’s Talk about Suicide' is an introductory suicide prevention programme, that helps participants to identify others who might be at risk of suicide, confidently ask about the topic, and connect them with resources that can help them stay safe. It is hoped that ‘Let’s Talk About Suicide’ will help people develop their language and confidence around talking about suicide, and not to be afraid to discuss it openly. In this podcast Ailish and Declan discuss the importance of breaking the stigma associated with suicide, and how people can sometimes be afraid to talk about suicide, because of the sadness and trauma around the subject. Sometimes, people are afraid to say the word ‘suicide’. But by being truly present for a person, and by hearing and validating their feelings, we all have the potential to have a life-saving conversation with someone. Ailish and Declan talk about recognising signs of distress, the importance of clear questioning, and the power of validation and support. The conversation highlights the need for ongoing dialogue about suicide, the power of listening, the effectiveness of support services, and the new programmes role in suicide prevention. Listeners are encouraged to complete the new training programme, and share the episode to help spread awareness. ‘Let’s Talk About’ uses a mix of guided online content, video and interactive questions. You can start and stop the programme at you own convenience. On average, the programme will take 60 minutes to complete, but you can work at your own pace.
- To enrol and complete Let’s Talk About Suicide, visit traininghub.nosp.ie.
- Let's Talk About Suicide is suitable for anyone over the age of 18, who wants to learn basic suicide prevention skills.
- It is recommended that anyone recently bereaved, wait 12 months before engaging in this type of suicide prevention training.
If you, or someone you know needs support, visit the HSE site yourmentalhealth.ie for information on how to mind your mental health, support others, or to find a support service in your area.
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In this episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast, host Fergal Fox and guest Elaine McCaughley from the HSE National Office for Human Rights and Equality discuss the HSE’s National Consent Policy. Elaine emphasises the policy's focus on the person making their own decisions about their health and social care, ensuring informed and voluntary consent. They explore challenges in mental health services and the role of family in cases like dementia, highlighting the human rights-based approach to care and the respect for individual autonomy and decision-making capacity. If you would like to know more about Consent in the HSE go to: hse.ie/nationalconsentpolicy
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Exam Stress Tips
In this episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast, Dr. Ciarán Boylan and host Noreen Turley explore strategies for managing exam stress. They discuss how to recognise stress in young people, especially during exam times, and offer advice to parents and guardians on how to provide both practical and emotional support. The conversation aims to help parents and guardians assist young people in effectively navigating the pressures of exam times, as Dr. Boylan shares helpful tips such as maintaining normal routines, ensuring nutritious meals and respecting each individual's coping mechanisms. They also emphasise the importance of self-care and managing expectations. Additional support can be found on jigsaw.ie, spunout.ie, or Mental health.
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Special Olympics Ireland
In this podcast episode, host Fergal Fox talks to Dr. Kathy Fulcher and Jonathan Deering from Special Olympics Ireland. They discuss Special Olympics Ireland's role in providing sports and health opportunities for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Kathy, who is the Health and Wellbeing Coordinator and Jonathon who has been a participant and is now a volunteer and advocate for the work, talk about the organisation's year-round sports programs and the importance of volunteers in supporting athletes and delivering health education. Jonathan shares his personal experiences, including his participation in sports and the positive impact on his life. The episode also covers the health and wellbeing programme, which includes health screenings and education to address health disparities. Kathy and Jonathan highlight the Strong Minds, Happier Lives programme developed with Mental Health Ireland, focusing on mental wellbeing and providing athletes with tools and strategies to manage stress. The episode emphasises the importance of inclusive health projects and the positive effects of sports on mental health. Volunteers are encouraged to get involved through the Special Olympics Ireland website: specialolympics.ie.
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Skin Cancer Prevention: Be Sunsmart
In this podcast episode, Specialist in Public Health Dr. Breeda Neville and skin cancer prevention advocate Bernie Rice discuss the SunSmart campaign and the critical importance of skin protection to prevent skin cancer in Ireland. They are working tirelessly to increase awareness of the steps you and your family can take to protect your skin from the sun and reduce your risk of skin cancer. Dr. Neville details the SunSmart campaign and the fight against skin cancer, the protective measures that can be taken and the need for increased awareness in Ireland. Bernie shares her poignant story of losing her daughter Sharon to melanoma skin cancer, reinforcing the campaign's significance. The episode covers the dangers of unregulated tanning products, the special vulnerability of children to UV damage, and strategies for promoting sun safety among outdoor workers. The conversation underscores the value of early detection, education, and personal advocacy in combating skin cancer. More information available at In this podcast episode, Specialist in Public Health Dr. Breeda Neville and skin cancer prevention advocate Bernie Rice discuss the SunSmart campaign and the critical importance of skin protection to prevent skin cancer in Ireland. They are working tirelessly to increase awareness of the steps you and your family can take to protect your skin from the sun and reduce your risk of skin cancer. Dr. Neville details the SunSmart campaign and the fight against skin cancer, the protective measures that can be taken and the need for increased awareness in Ireland. Bernie shares her poignant story of losing her daughter Sharon to melanoma skin cancer, reinforcing the campaign's significance. The episode covers the dangers of unregulated tanning products, the special vulnerability of children to UV damage, and strategies for promoting sun safety among outdoor workers. The conversation underscores the value of early detection, education, and personal advocacy in combating skin cancer. More information available at hse.ie/sunsmart.
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Focus on Fatherhood
In this episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing podcast, host Fergal Fox and guest Shane Lynch, a Parenting Facilitator, discuss the crucial role of fatherhood. Shane shares insights from his work at Deansrath Family Centre, emphasising the need to engage men in Parenting Programmes. Despite initial challenges, he highlights the success of using practical activities like gardening to involve fathers. The programmes aim to improve family communication, problem-solving, and emphasise the importance of fathers in their children's lives. Shane also touches on the upcoming Men's Health Week event as he advocates for men's mental health discussions and engagement in health activities. For more information on Parenting Programmes click here: https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/9116d-helplines-parenting-courses-and-advice/ For information on Sláintecare Healthy Communities click here: https://www.hse.ie/eng/about/who/healthwellbeing/slaintecare-healthy-communities/
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Young Social Innovators
In this episode of the HSE's Talking Health and Wellbeing podcast, host Fergal Fox talks with Roger Warnock, CEO of Young Social Innovators (YSI), about the organisation's efforts to empower young people in Ireland to tackle societal, environmental and health issues through social innovation. They discuss YSI's programmes, such as Activate, which encourages students to create solutions for problems they care about, and the Ignite Community, which reaches out to young people outside the traditional school system. YSI are funded in part by HSE Health and Wellbeing to facilitate youth engagement in many areas of health and wellbeing. Mental health is always a top priority for young people as well as sexual health and vaping, which have been the focus of many projects in recent years. This podcast episode also features experiences from two young individuals from Monaghan College, who share their impactful project on mental health and wellbeing. The conversation underscores YSI's role in fostering youth engagement, confidence, and the drive for change, as well as the organisation's new strategy. For more information go to Young Social Innovators.
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Mental Health Promotion
In this episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing podcast, host Fergal Fox moderates a discussion among keynote speakers from the National Health Promotion Conference in Galway. The panel includes experts from Canada, the Netherlands, Ireland, and Finland, who share insights on implementing a systems approach to Mental Health Promotion. Topics covered include the importance of political commitment, evidence-based practices, community engagement, and addressing social determinants of mental health. The speakers highlight successful initiatives in their countries and emphasise the need for long-term investment and cross-sector collaboration to effectively promote mental health and well-being. Our podcasts guests were: · Ms Stephanie Priest, Acting Director General, Centre for Mental Health and Wellbeing, Public Health Agency of Canada · Ms Soile Ridanpää, Senior Specialist, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Finland · Professor Laura Shields-Zeeman, Head of Department, Public Mental Health with the Trimbos Institute, the Netherlands · Dr. Aleisha Clarke, National Programme Manager, Mental Health & Wellbeing, Health Service Executive · Professor Margaret Barry, Professor of Health Promotion and Public Health, Health Promotion Research Centre & Discipline of Health Promotion, University of Galway HSE Health and Wellbeing have worked as a partner in the delivery of this annual conference for many years now. Thanks to all our guests for sharing their time and expertise and in particular to University of Galway, Department of Health Healthy Ireland and the Association of Health Promotion Ireland for their partnership working in the hosting and organising of the conference. If you would like more information about the work of HSE Health and Wellbeing in the area of Mental Health and Wellbeing go to: https://www.hse.ie/eng/about/who/healthwellbeing/our-priority-programmes/mental-health-and-wellbeing/
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Patient Partnership
In this podcast episode hosted by Noreen Turley, Anne Lawlor, Chairperson of the HSE's Patient Forum and founder of the 22q Charity Ireland, and Joe Ryan, HSE National Director of Public Involvement, Culture, and Risk Management, discuss the critical theme of patient partnership in the HSE. They highlight the importance of genuine patient involvement at every level of healthcare, to increasingly ensure that patient experiences and voices shape the design, implementation, and evaluation of future healthcare services. Joe emphasises how working in partnership with patients and service users (and their families, carers and supporters) will be a cornerstone of how we work across our health system. This requires a cultural shift but offers numerous opportunities. He explains how the HSE is committed to partnering with patients and how the Better Together framework aims to foster effective patient-professional partnerships. Anne highlights how patient partnership can empower individuals and foster a sense of community, benefiting both patients and healthcare professionals. She reflects on the upcoming Patient Partnership Conference, emphasising the importance of balanced representation from patients and healthcare professionals. The conference aims to foster open conversation and learning from patient experiences, creating a space for genuine interaction and shared learning. Anne invites the public to join this journey towards a more inclusive healthcare system. To find out more and register for the HSE Patient and Public Partnership Conference, "Changing Patient Outcomes: One Partnership at a Time," held on Tuesday, 24th September at Dublin Castle, visit https://www.hsepatientconference.ie/
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Back to School
In this podcast episode, Dr. Abigail Collins, Consultant in Public Health Medicine and Clinical Lead for the National Healthy Childhood Programme, shares expert advice on preparing children for the school year. The discussion covers preventing and managing common childhood illnesses and building healthy routines, as well as advice for children who are anxious about going back to school. The episode provides practical tips for parents during the busy back-to-school period. To find advice for parents, go to MyChild.ie.
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Healthy Lunchboxes for Kids
In this episode, we discuss Healthy Lunchboxes for Kids and much more. With school routines starting again and parents getting to grips with what to put into those lunchboxes and what to avoid. Marian McBride, Dietetic Lead, HSE Health & Wellbeing discusses the importance of a balanced diet to ensure children develop a healthy relationship with food. With tips on how to introduce healthier foods into children’s daily diets. Marian gives ideas on what to include, recognising that parents are busy, she explains that it’s about frequency and taking those different opportunities to introduce healthier options. For more information and ideas visit: https://www2.hse.ie/living-well/healthy-eating
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Screen Time and Young People
In this episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast, host Fergal Fox discusses the impact of screen time on young children with Dr. Gillian Doyle and Dr. Anne-Marie Casey, Senior Clinical Psychologists. They explore how screen time affects health and wellbeing, emphasising the need for mindful use of devices and advice for family conversations about screen habits. The experts highlight the importance of balancing screen time with other developmental activities and suggest guidelines tailored to children's ages and needs. They also discuss the role of parents in modelling healthy behaviours and creating screen-free times to foster better social and emotional development. For more information visit: Screen time and young children.
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New Physical Activity Guidelines
New Physical Activity Guidelines
The latest HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast talks about the new national physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidelines.
Professor Elaine Murtagh and Associate Professor Grainne Hayes from the University of Limerick. The episode centres around the newly launched physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidelines, exploring their significance, updates from previous guidelines, and recommendations for various population subgroups, including those with disabilities.
The conversation highlights the importance of reducing sedentary behaviour, incorporating muscle-strengthening activities, and understanding the intensity of physical activity. Understanding these intensity levels helps individuals gauge their activity and ensure they are meeting the recommended guidelines. For more information about the guidelines visit Every Move Counts - National Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines for Ireland (gov.ie)
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Healthier Food Environment
The latest HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast talks about Safefood's latest public health campaign, "#TalkAboutFood which aims to raise awareness about the food environment and its significant impact on children's health.
Dr Aileen McGloin Director of Nutrition with Safe Food and Norah Campbell, Associate Professor of Marketing at Trinity College Dublin talk about the challenges parents face on a daily basis in the current food environment dominated by unhealthy options. The conversation focusses on the food environment and highlights how it encompasses more than just the availability of food. It includes the broader context in which food choices are made, influenced by marketing, cultural norms, and the physical settings where food is available.
For more information visit https://www.safefood.net/healthy-eating/talk-about-food/understanding-food-environment
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Think Brain Health
In this episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing podcast, Dr. Sean O'Dowd, Consultant Neurologist at TUH, and Clinical Lead at the National Dementia Services, discusses brain health with the host. Dr. O'Dowd, who specialises in cognitive disorders and dementia, explains the functions of different brain parts and emphasises the importance of how we can maintain brain health by making informed lifestyle choices. Dr O'Dowd highlights the brain's neuroplasticity, its ability to change and adapt, and that is it never to early or too late to look after your brain health. He speaks about the positive impact of physical activity, social engagement, and cognitive stimulation on brain health, and the link between hearing loss and dementia. In this episode, he highlights the need for increased awareness of brain health and dementia risk factors. Further information can be found at www.understandtogether.ie.
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Healthy Habits for University Life
In this episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast, host Fergal Fox speaks with Dr. Eithne Hunt, an Occupational Therapist and Lecturer at University College Cork, about practical tips for students to support their health and wellbeing in third level education. This episode is full of useful information for students, parents and teachers or anyone working with young people wishing to advance to third level education. Key topics include the importance of social connections, self-compassion, time management, and sleep. They discuss the challenges students face transitioning to university life and introduce Dr. Hunt's "Everyday Matters" programme. This initiative helps students develop healthy habits and practical skills to enhance their wellbeing. Dr. Hunt shares practical tips and emphasises the value of play and leisure in maintaining mental health and preventing burnout. For more information on the work underway by the Higher Education Authority in the area of Healthy Campus click https://hea.ie/policy/health-and-wellbeing-landing-page/healthy-campus-landing-page/
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Being LGBTQI+ in Ireland
In this episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast, host Fergal Fox discusses the mental health challenges faced by LGBTQI+ individuals in Ireland. Dr. Matt Kennedy from Belong To and Denise Croke from the HSE share insights from a recent research report ‘Being LGBTQI+ in Ireland’ revealing high rates of self-harm and suicidal thoughts among LGBTQI+ youth. They emphasise the importance of supportive environments, inclusive education, and the role of allies in fostering acceptance. The episode calls for collective action to create a society where LGBTQI+ individuals feel valued and supported. This study was funded by the National Office for Suicide Prevention (NOSP) & Social Inclusion, Health Service Executive (HSE) and the What Works and Dormant Accounts Fund, Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth through Belong To - LGBTQ+ Youth Ireland.
Supports and services available from LGBTQI+ support organisations such as Belong To, LGBT Ireland, Transgender Equality Network Ireland.
Freephone Samaritans 116123
Text About It (text HELLO to 50808)
Visit the HSE website yourmentalhealth.ie for more information on mental health, supports and services.
Listen on Podbean and on the HSE Health and Wellbeing YouTube channel.
Childhood Obesity
In this episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing podcast, host Eamon Keogh discusses childhood obesity with Dr Grace O'Malley, Clinical Lead of the Children's Health Ireland, Child & Adolescent Complex Obesity Service. They talk about the definition, prevalence, and parental concerns regarding childhood obesity. Dr O'Malley emphasises a holistic approach to managing obesity, focusing on overall health rather than just weight loss. She highlights the importance of consulting healthcare professionals, fostering open communication and provides some top tips for parents on how to raise the topic with your child and healthcare professional. Dr O’Malley also discusses the care model and the societal support needed to address this growing health issue.
Where can parents get information?
Information about children’s weight on the HSE A to Z website which includes information what to do if you are concerned, having the conversation with your child and advice on healthier habits as a family: https://www2.hse.ie/conditions/childrens-weight/
The HSE has a booklet called Talking to Your Child About Weight which is available on www.healthpromotion.ie
A comprehensive list of up to date resources for parents and families available on www.childhoodobesity.ie
Find more information about community based services here: https://youtu.be/dtXHO8_aPJE
Information for families on healthier lifestyles such as physical activity, healthy eating, screen time is available at www.mychild.ie
Information for families on healthy eating including recipes is available at www.safefood.eu
Where can Healthcare Professionals get information?
Healthcare professionals can get more information including policy documents, clinical guidelines, professional organisations, research and more by visiting www.childhoodobesity.ie
The HSE Obesity Clinical Programme is available at https://www.hse.ie/eng/about/who/cspd/ncps/obesity/
Find more information about community based services here: https://youtu.be/nmwxqIe1-qg
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Planning Ahead for Your Healthcare
In this episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast, host Fergal Fox discusses the importance of planning ahead for healthcare treatment decisions with Caoimhe Gleeson and Suzy Byrne. Caoimhe, the General Manager in the HSE National Office for Human Rights and Equality Policy, highlights the role of Advance Healthcare Directives under the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015, enabling individuals to outline their healthcare treatment decisions. Suzy, a disability activist, stresses the necessity of making healthcare wishes known, especially for individuals with disabilities. The episode emphasises the need for open communication with family and healthcare providers to ensure that one's healthcare preferences are respected and understood. Discussion points include: Advance healthcare directives, Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015, Understanding decision-making capacity, Open communication, people whose capacity might be in question, Practical steps, Facilitating discussions.
For further information go to the website signposts given during the episode such as the Safeguarding Ireland website: https://safeguardingireland.org/
Check out the information and resources on the Decision Support Service website: https://decisionsupportservice.ie/
Read further about Advance Care Planning with the Irish Hospice Foundation: https://hospicefoundation.ie/i-need-help/i-want-to-think-ahead/advance-care-planning/
Listen on Podbean and on the HSE Health and Wellbeing YouTube channel.
Social Prescribing Benefits: GP’s Perspective
In this episode of the HSE Talking Health & Wellbeing Podcast, host Noreen Turley explores the concept of social prescribing with Dr. Sean Owen, a GP and chair of the Climate Health Alliance of Ireland, and Dr. Aleisha Clarke, the HSE National Program Manager for Mental Health and Wellbeing. They explain how social prescribing aims to connect individuals with local community resources to meet their social, emotional, and practical needs and discuss that sometimes it’s not just about medical solutions; it’s about holistic care that considers the whole person moving beyond traditional medical solutions to a more holistic approach to healthcare. Sean acknowledges that integrating social prescribing into primary care requires a cultural shift among healthcare providers. He demonstrates how social prescribing has been successfully integrated into his practice, where link workers have become an essential part of the healthcare team.
Aleisha explains that the evidence shows that social prescribing can have a range of positive outcomes, including improvements in mental wellbeing, physical health and health behaviours, and reductions in social isolation and loneliness. Aleisha outlines the referral process, noting that individuals over 18 can be referred by a GP, health care professional or individuals can also self-refer. Once referred, they work with a link worker to co-develop a personalised health and wellbeing plan tailored to their specific needs and circumstances. This individualised support is crucial, as link workers take the time to understand each person's unique needs.
Listeners are encouraged to visit the All-Ireland Social Prescribing website https://www.allirelandsocialprescribing.ie/ to connect with local link workers and start their journey toward accessing community supports. This episode highlights the potential of the social prescribing service in improving health and wellbeing, and advocate for continued development of this innovative service in healthcare. For further information, visit https://www.hse.ie/eng/about/who/healthwellbeing/our-priority-programmes/mental-health-and-wellbeing/social-prescribing/
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Climate Change & Sustainability in the HSE
In this episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast, we discuss climate change and sustainability within the Health Service Executive (HSE) with Dr. Philip Crowley, HSE National Director of Wellbeing, Equality, Climate and Global Health, and Roisin Breen, Programme Lead for the HSE Climate Action Programme. They explore the HSE's Climate Action Strategy, aiming for net-zero emissions by 2050, and highlight initiatives like improving energy efficiency, retrofitting buildings, and promoting greener models of care and sustainable transport. The episode underscores the importance of public and staff engagement, collaboration, and proactive measures to address climate change and foster a sustainable healthcare system. More information is available on the Climate Action Strategy: HSE Climate Action Strategy 2023 - 2050 (PDF, 1.4 MB, 64 pages)
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In this episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast, we discuss Diabetes with Dr. Kate Gajewska, Clinical Manager for Advocacy and Research, Diabetes Ireland and Dr. Cathy Breen, Interim Dietetic Lead - HSE, National Clinical Programme for Diabetes about Diabetes. They discuss the different types of diabetes - Type 1, Type 2, and gestational - highlighting their symptoms and different risk factors. They discuss the importance of early diagnosis and how many people may live undiagnosed for years, only discovering their condition when complications arise. The episode highlights the complexity of diabetes, the important role of self-management, as well as highlighting free resources available. Recognising the diabetes is a serious but treatable condition. Links to further information in the podcast descriptor.
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Together Towards Cervical Cancer Elimination
In this episode of HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast, we explore the important role of community engagement in preventing cervical cancer and the importance of collaboration in work together towards an Ireland where cervical cancer is rare in every community. Joining the discussion are Dr Caroline Mason Mohan, Director of Public Health for the National Screening Service, and Catherine Heaney, Healthy Communities Project Coordinator for Dublin City Community Cooperative. Dr Mason Mohan provides an in-depth look at cervical cancer prevention through HPV vaccination, cervical screening and early treatment, while Catherine shares a unique perspective on the importance of connecting with local communities to drive meaningful behavioural change. Catherine’s organisation collaborates with the National Screening Service through the Community Champions Health Promotion Pilot Project. This innovative project aims to build the capacity of community health workers, empowering local leaders to implement tailored interventions that encourage participation in cervical screening. By bridging national health strategies with grassroots engagement, the project ensures communities have the tools, knowledge, and support to access life-saving cervical screening services.
For more information visit www.screeningservice.ie or www.hpv.ie. To find out more about cervical cancer elimination visit www.hse.ie/cervicalcancerelimination.
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Winter Wellness for Older People
In this episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast, Dr. Rory Nee, Consultant Physician in Geriatric Medicine and Integrated Care Program for Older People (ICPOP), and Aoife Quinn, Clinical Nurse Manager (ICPOP), discuss essential strategies to help older adults stay healthy and well during the winter season. Rory and Aoife share practical tips for maintaining health and well-being such as staying up-to-date with vaccinations, managing medications, preventing falls, and combating loneliness. They emphasise the importance of nutrition, regular exercise, staying warm, and fostering family and community connections for mental and brain health. This episode explores the valuable role of the Integrated Care Program for Older People in providing home-based support to prevent hospital admissions and create a safe, thriving environment for older adults in their own homes. Tune in to learn how small, proactive steps can make a big impact on the health and wellness of older people this winter.
Further information available at http://www.hse.ie/ecc and https://www2.hse.ie/living-well/winter/older-people/
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Heart Health: Prevention to Care
In this episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast, we discuss Heart Health with Janis Morrissey, Director of Health Promotion Information and Training at the Irish Heart Foundation, delving into the causes and risk factors of heart disease and stroke. Janis emphasises the importance of both individual lifestyle changes and systemic policy interventions to improve heart health. She highlights the Irish Heart Foundation's efforts in advocacy, prevention, public education, and support services. For more information go to: www.irishheart.ie or https://www2.hse.ie/conditions/coronary-heart-disease-chd/causes/
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A Lookback on 2024
In this episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast, hosts Fergal Fox, Noreen Turley and Eamon Keogh reflect on the podcast's achievements in 2024. They discuss the diverse range of topics covered, such as obesity, menopause, health equity, and LGBTQ+ issues, and highlight specific impactful episodes. The hosts emphasise the importance of providing a platform for healthcare professionals to share their expertise and the positive engagement from listeners. They also express excitement for future episodes and ongoing discussions around health and wellbeing, aiming to continue their mission of educating and supporting the community.
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Healthy New Year
In the first 2025 episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast, host Fergal Fox, along with Health Promotion and Improvement colleagues Sean Conneely and Nollaig Ní Chárthaigh, discuss strategies for a Healthy New Year. They emphasise the importance of New Year's resolutions, behavior change, and community support in achieving health goals. Key topics include setting realistic goals, mental wellbeing, quitting smoking, healthy eating, and physical activity. The speakers highlight the significance of gradual changes, utilising local resources, and fostering social connections. They also touch on mental health supports, stress management, and the importance of sleep, providing listeners with practical advice and support resources. Links to information on the resources referenced in the episode are available in the podcast descriptor.
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Patient Voices Shaping Healthcare
In this episode, we speak to John Wall, a dedicated healthcare campaigner, about his personal journey as a patient advocate. From overcoming challenges to building trust and fostering collaboration, John highlights the significance of Patient Partnership in healthcare decision-making. He discusses his role on the local Programme Improvement Board, the growing inclusion of patient voices, and the importance of clear communication and mutual respect between healthcare professionals and patients. With a vision for a more structured approach to patient involvement, John shares valuable insights and inspires listeners to engage and contribute to shaping a responsive and inclusive healthcare system in the HSE.
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Farmer Wellbeing
In this episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast, we discuss Farmer Wellbeing with Dr. John McNamara from Teagasc, and Finola Colgan from Mental Health Ireland. They explore the unique mental health challenges farmers face, the importance of health and safety, and initiatives to support their wellbeing. Key topics include the difficulty of accessing mental health services in rural areas, the significance of community engagement, and programmes like Farm Connect and On Feirm Ground, that provide resources and training to improve farmers' mental health and overall wellbeing.
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You, Me & HIV
In this episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast, we have a discussion on the "You, Me and HIV" campaign, focusing on HIV awareness and stigma reduction. Guests include Dr. Robbie Lawler and Veda Lady, both HIV activists and co-hosts of the Poz Vibe podcast, who share their personal experiences and highlight the importance of community support. Professor Fiona Lyons, HSE Clinical Lead of the Sexual Health Programme, discusses advancements in HIV treatment and the need to dismantle stigma in healthcare. The episode highlights the significance of representation, allyship, and the message "Undetectable = Untransmittable" (U=U).
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The Truth about Alcohol & Cancer
In this episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast, the discussion features insights from Dr. Breeda Neville, Public Health Specialist and Dr. Sheila Gilheany, CEO of Alcohol Action Ireland. The conversation centred around the significant public health issues associated with alcohol use, particularly its links to cancer. We discuss the new alcohol labelling laws, which aim to provide consumers with clear and unbiased information about the products they consume.
The call to action from Dr. Neville encourages listeners to consider the immediate benefits of reducing alcohol consumption, such as improved physical and mental health, better sleep, and enhanced relationships. Both Sheila and Breeda agreed that healthcare professionals can play a crucial role in raising awareness and they encouraged health care staff to engage patients in conversations about their alcohol use. Sheila also outlines the challenges posed by the alcohol industry where the marketing used can in some cases obscure the serious health risks associated with alcohol consumption.
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Keeping a Healthy Smile
In this episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast, Dr Anne O’Neill, Oral Health Lead, HSE, talks about the importance of dental check-ups and the significant connection between oral health and overall well-being. Dr. O'Neill provides practical tips on brushing and flossing, highlighting the impact of diet on dental health, providing tips for parents when it comes to their children’s dental routines and about building in regular daily times to do those small oral health habits at a young age. The discussion also focuses on changes to dental practices, specifically about how dental amalgam is no longer being used in fillings, due to a new EU directive.
For more information visit www.brushmyteeth.ie
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Declutter Your Mind
In this episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing Podcast, host Noreen Turley is joined by Peadar Maxwell, Senior Psychologist in the HSE. They explore the concept of "mind clutter"; those overwhelming thoughts and distractions that often lead to stress, anxiety, and difficulty concentrating. Peadar shares valuable insights on the symptoms of mind clutter and how it can impact mental clarity and overall wellbeing. The conversation explores practical strategies for managing mental clutter, including mindfulness, visualisation, journaling, and prioritising self-care practices. Peadar also emphasises the importance of making “good enough” decisions to reduce the pressure of perfectionism. These simple steps can help people regain focus and improve their mental wellbeing. If you are looking for ways to clear mind fog and manage stress more effectively, this episode is filled with practical advice to help you declutter your mind.
For supports and services visit www.yourmentalhealth.ie
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