Escape your Chair

The Irish Heart Foundation’s Escape Your Chair Heart Month campaign supported by HSE Health & Wellbeing is calling on the nation to Escape Your Chair by moving for a minute each hour during the day. While the HSE have staff working in many different environments, there is a high percentage of HSE staff who are currently working from home.  This campaign is aimed at highlighting the importance of staying active when working from home to maintain a healthy heart.  For ideas on how to keep moving and well while Working From Home, visit the following resources:

Irish Heart Working From Home Leaflet

Escape your Chair (Irish Heart Foundation)

The HSE Policy on working from home also highlights the importance of staff supporting their own and their colleagues health and wellbeing.

 The policy has guidance for managers on how to:

  •  support the health and wellbeing of health service employees working from home
  •  manage your team remotely
  •  support your team to deliver high quality services