Healthy Ireland External Partners

HSE Healthy Ireland External Partners

Government Departments

The work of the Healthy Ireland programme involves strong partnership collaboration with Healthy Ireland in the Department of Health and the Department of Rural and Community Development. HSE Healthy Ireland provides the evidence base and guidance for the implementation of the Healthy Ireland Fund through Healthy Ireland in the Department of Health for initiatives delivered as part of the Healthy Ireland Healthy City and Counties structure.


Healthy City and Counties

Each County and City in Ireland have produced a Healthy Ireland Plan with a focus on delivering the goals of the Healthy Ireland Framework 2013-2025. All plans are listed below:


Local Community and Development Committees

The HSE has a representative on each Local Community and Development Committee (LCDC) and through HSE Healthy Ireland a network of these representatives is in place. This network provides an ideal opportunity for the sharing of information and expertise for peer members.


Local Economic Community Plans

Each LCDC produces a Local Economic Community Plan (LECP). This plan sets the priorities for their community development.  Health and Wellbeing is a key component of each of these county LECP plans acting as a change enabler to bring the focus on prevention and healthy environments improving the health and wellbeing of their populations. LCEP plans are listed below:


Other External Partners

Robust networks for the identification of projects for health and wellbeing has been created as part of the collaborative working with Healthy Ireland @ Your Library, Age Friendly for the older person’s health and wellbeing and supporting the Dementia Understand Together Campaign.