LAIV Schools Programme Planning 2024/2025

Getting prepared - 2024/2025 seasonal LAIV schools programme

The HSE are encouraging GPs and Community Pharmacists who wish to engage in the LAIV Schools Programme to reach out to mainstream primary schools prior to the end of term (end of June), to explore if they would be interested in offering LAIV on-site.

In order to manage the workflow and reporting, it is desirable to capture the primary school Roll Number and Eircode for each participating school.

GPs and Community Pharmacists are requested to provide the HSE with details of the schools where they have agreed to offer LAIV on-site during the 2024/25 season, using the form Schools LAIV Template (Excel, size 25 KB).

Note: Send Completed Forms to

Completed forms should be returned before July 5, to support the HSE in planning provision of LAIV in those primary schools not covered by GPs or Pharmacies; however, there will be a further opportunity to submit or amend details in September where it has not been possible to make arrangements with schools before the summer break.

LAIV Schools Programme Resources