Dental Treatment Services Scheme Contract (DTSS)
Dental Services in Ireland are provided by two main types of service.
HSE Dental Clinics, provide services for children from birth to 15 years. This service is accessed through school screening in primary schools.
The Dental Treatment Services Scheme Contact provides access to dental treatment for adult medical card holders (aged 16 or over). Private Dentists, who have contracts with the HSE can provide certain services under a DTSS contract.
Clinical Dental Technicians
Clinical Dental Technicians are dental healthcare professionals, registered with the Dental Council, who provide complete dentures and partial dentures directly to adult patients when the patient’s oral health is established through a recent visit to a dentist. They do not carry out work on natural teeth or on living tissue. Clinical Dental Technicians who have a contract with the HSE can treat medical cardholders under the Dental Treatment Services Scheme.
If you wish to apply for a contract please download and complete the following documents
- Form of Agreement for the provision of Clinical Dental Technician Services (PDF, 1.2 MB, 52 pages)
- Clinical Dental Technician Application Form (PDF, size 769.5 KB, 11 pages)
Please note, you will be required to provide a number of up to date documents to support your application. These documents are outlined in the application form.
DTSS Contractors must ensure that insurance/indemnity policies show evidence of indemnifying the HSE and must cover them for the provision of the full range of treatments under their DTSS treatment schedule. Confirmation must be provided to the HSE.
Contractors will also be required to complete garda vetting and have a practice premise inspection undertaken by the local HSE Dental Inspector in the area. Garda Vetting Documentation will be sent to the applicant on receipt of the above or can be requested in advance by contacting the office directly via email or by phone 044 939 5519.
Completed documentation should be returned via email to It should be noted that the timeframe for the completion of the application process is not entirely within the control of the HSE. Please note that any CDT contract issued by the HSE will have a commencement date, and the HSE will have no liability for any treatments carried out before this commencement date.