Procurement Policy Statement

HSE policies, procedures, standard templates and forms, guidance and applicable legislation are designed to ensure that HSE applies the highest standards of integrity, fairness, legality, confidentiality, and disclosure of interest to all procurement related transactions. All relevant procurement regulations should be applied so that competition is promoted, value for money secured, equal access to publicly funded contracts is afforded to all taxpaying suppliers, and openness and transparency assured. Where relevant, HSE procurement decisions should take account of prevailing social and environmental ethical standards.

The primary objectives of the HSE procurement policy are to ensure that all transactions:
  • Meet the requirements of customers
  • Give best value for money
  • Utilise the HSE's significant purchasing power
  • Are totally transparent and proportional
  • Ensure equality of access to qualified suppliers
  • Are formally contracted
  • Fully comply with Government Guidelines and EU Directives applicable to state bodies
  • Are undertaken in a professional manner