The Internal Controls Questionnaire (ICQ)

The Internal Controls Questionnaire (ICQ) is conducted online via the Smart Survey site. Staff will receive the link via email however you can also access the survey via the following link

2024 CARP Survey Link (TO BE UPDATED)

ICQ online - the statements/questions

There are 11 sections covering different subject areas:

  • Part 1 Key Policies, Procedures & Requirements^
  • Part 2 Financial Monitoring and Financial Reporting^
  • Part 3 Payroll - Employee and Line Manager Responsibilities^
  • Part 4 Travel & Subsistence/Other Staff Costs^
  • Part 5 Procurement^
  • Part 6 Fixed Assets^
  • Part 7 Income and Cash*
  • Part 8 People Management^
  • Part 9 Information Technology^
  • Part 10 Grants to Outside Agencies*
  • Part 11 Patients' Private Property*

Remember to download a copy of the 2024 ICQ Statements incl. Guidance Notes below and complete the questionnaire offline before accessing the survey site.
CARP Statements - incl. Guidance Notes (Word, size 170 KB, 44 pages)

Additional Information on the Statements

The statements and sections can be categorised into three groups:
  • Core Statements - All staff answer these statements.
  • * Specialist Sections - These 3 sections are applicable only to staff in certain functions - Income and Cash, Grants to Outside Agencies and Patients’ Private Property.
  • ^ Mix Sections - These sections contain both Core and Specialist statements, statements are filtered in or out for various reasons, see further detail below.

The online survey will filter in or out Specialist sections or statements according to the answers you provide to introductory questions at the start of the survey as well as to filter questions within the survey. For example:

  • Are you/your staff involved directly in the supervision or handling of Income/Cash?
  • Are you/your staff involved directly in Grants to Outside Agencies activities?
  • Are you/your staff involved directly in Patient Private Property related activities?
  • Are you/your staff involved directly in Financial or Payroll related activities?
  • Are you a Line Manager?
  • Are you a Budget Holder?
  • Are you/your staff involved in specific Procurement activities such as Tendering or hold a HSE Credit/Procurement/Fuel Card?
  • Are you involved in the international transfer of personal data?
  • Have you and/or your staff been involved in any Capital Projects or Property Transactions during the year?

If you answer NO to these questions you will not see the sections/statements relevant to these areas when you complete your survey. If you answer YES you will be required to provide a response to those sections/statements.

Participants who select Capital & Estates, Human Resources, Procurement or Technology & Transformation as being the division they work in will also see a small number of additional statements.

ICQ - the responses

You should consider the following when answering the ICQ:
  • Yes - Indicates compliance - confirming awareness of the policy referenced in statement or confirming the control referenced is in place.
  • No - Indicates non-compliance - lack of awareness of policy referenced in statement or the control referenced is not in place. Highlighting potential weakness.
  • Work in Progress - Indicates the control is not fully in place however work in this area is in progress that will address this potential weakness.
  • Not Relevant - This statement/control may not be directly relevant to you or your area of responsibility. Or the particular scenario referenced in the statement did not occur during the year (there are notes within the ICQ to prompt you on these type of "scenario" statements).

Remember: You are answering for yourself and your direct reports only (if applicable).